Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Thanksgiving

I know that Thanksgiving was a month ago, but I am slow at bloggin lately...what can I say???
There are 3 things I LOVE about Thanksgiving! 1st - I LOVE being around family and remembering what I am so grateful for in my life. 2nd is PIE!!! I do love turkey, but I love pie even more and my mom always makes TONS of pie and we eat it all weekend long! My aunt also made a Reese's pie this year that was delicious! I have a huge weakness for peanut butter and chocolate!!! 3rd, I LOVE shopping on Black Friday! It is one of my favorite things of the holiday season! This year I found an awesome website about Black Friday that had sneak peeks at all the ads and it was so fabulous! I love planning it all out! We were VERY successful that morning going to Shopko, WalMart, Target, Michael's and Old Navy by 10 am and I did all my Toys R Us shopping online the day before!

Anyway - On to our Thanksgiving!!! We had a really fun Thanksgiving! We went up to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Huntsville with the whole Boman side of the family. While we were waiting for dinner, my kids discovered this horse and LOVED it!

Yee-Haw Cowboy!
Here is the whole crew at dinner....It took 3 tables to fit us all! I think there were around 30 people! Everyone from that side of the fam was there except my brother Dean who went to his girlfriend's house. We missed having him there!The kiddie tableHere are my kiddos chowing down...

I think Thanksgiving might be Rylee's favorite holiday - She LOVES to eat!

Me and Rylee

Darren and Logan

After our dinner, we went on a hay ride...yep... a hay ride! It was really fun...or at least it started out that way...Rylee and Uncle Brad getting on the hay rideReady to go...Half of the group...The other half of the group

All the fun came to an early end when we got a flat tire! Apparently some of us had a little too much yummy turkey! We ended up having to walk back, which was maybe good so we could burn off some of our calories! Yep...the tire is flat!

Along the LONG walk back, we had a lot of fun taking pictures! Here is one with the girls, minus Vanessa who is taking the picture.Rylee loves to ride on shoulders - she calls it "tight", I guess as in Hold on tight! The funny thing is she refuses to hold on to anything and likes to just balance on her own. Good thing there isn't much traffic in Huntsville!

Along the way, we saw an Alpaca farm. The kids LOVED it! I think it was their favorite part of Thanksgiving! Logan thought it was so great to feed them and was even trying to kiss them through the fence. Rylee loved them too and wanted to pet them... So funny!Pucker up baby!!!Rylee was ready to climb right in with themRy said "Bye Bye 'Pacas" all the way home! She kept talking about 'pacas all day!Ry riding "tight" with Grandpa! She loves her grandpa and knows how to get what she wants from him!These are both of my Grandma's. My parents grew up in the same ward and my Grandma's both still live in the same ward just around the corner from each other. They are both single and do a lot together. It is kind of fun to have them always together! Even though it was a Boman Thanksgiving, my Grandma Pauline was still there and it was really nice to celebrate with her, too.My Grandma Boman with all her grandkids and great-grandkids, except for my brother Dean.My fam with my Grandma Pauline

My aunt made all the married grandkids play "The Newlywed Game". Darren and I felt like we should be excluded since we have been married for almost 6 years and have 2 kids, but that made us play anyway. There were 4 couples - us, my sister and her husband, and my 2 cousins who were married this summer. We had some serious seniority and came away with the victory!!! Our prize was a broken microwave - I guess they were white elephant presents....

Our kids loved playing outside in my aunt and uncle's yard. It is a really fun place and they had a ball! They even have a zipline that my brothers had a great time on. Logan found this helmet in their garage that actually belonged to my Uncle Rex. He loved playing football with a REAL helmet on! Logan LOVES to do kickoffs!

Isn't this the cutest football player in a dress you have ever seen? She made her tights a mess playing outside but had so much fun! She liked to say "hut, "hut" and run around with the helmet...just like brother!

It was such a great holiday and I was so happy to be surrounded by family. We have been truly blessed and I am so grateful for all the many blessings in my life!!!

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