Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cheering in the Cold!

In November, we had one last chance to cheer for the Aggie football team against New Mexico State. When we first saw the football schedule back in August, I swore there was NO way that I would be attending a football game on November 29th in Logan! But, the weather wasn't too cold and there was no snow, so I decided we would give it a try. I thought we would probably have to leave early - I didn't think the kids would like it being so cold (I think it was in the 40s), but they had a great time!
Rylee looking cute all bundled up
Logan loves to go and stand by this fence to watch the game.

Logan being silly!

Logan and his buddy Dallin cheering for the Aggies
The best part of this game was that the Aggies Actually WON!!! That is HUGE for them - It was only the 3rd win this season! Not only did they win, they WON BIG - 47-2!!!
Dad and the kids
We bought popcorn for the kids at halftime to keep them happy. They LOVED it - Especially Ry!!!
Me, Rylee and Logan
Rylee even managed to fall asleep at the end of the game on the cold, hard bleachers!!!
We are VERY excited about the new coach, Coach Anderson, for next season! We are hoping for a few more wins!!! And we are LOVING basketball season when the Aggies actually win on a regular basis!

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