Monday, December 29, 2008

Trimming the Tree

The first sign of the holiday season arriving at our house was putting up our Christmas tree! We put it up the Sunday after Thanksgiving, which happened to be November 30th. I am usually opposed to putting up the tree before December 1st, but this year, I was too excited to wait any longer!!! Our place didn't have a lot of room for a tree, so we had to do some furniture rearranging, but I am glad that we did! I love having the tree up and the kids have loved it, too! They were both really into it this year!
It actually took us two nights to get the tree finished. With all the furniture moving, it took a little longer to get the tree up and the lights on than we planned and the kids were VERY ready for bed, so we saved the ornaments for FHE the next night. Here are the kids in front of the lit tree. As you can see, they are SO excited about it!!!

Monday night (the 1st), we added the ornaments. The kids really liked this part. Especially putting their own ornaments on. In our family, we each get a new ornament each year. I usually try and buy the ornaments on our vacation or something so they have some meaning of what we did that year. This year, our ornaments are from our trip to Disneyworld. Logan LOVED his Buzz and Woody ornament and Rylee had a Princess one. She kept saying "Belle, 'Rella(Cinderella), Booty (Sleeping Beauty) and pointing to it and saying "MINE!" She was VERY proud of it! She also loved our Disneyland castle ornament from last year and kept calling it the temple! Logan got really into hanging all the ornaments and loved hearing about where they were all from (some were mine from when I was little). Rylee enjoyed telling everyone where to put you can see in the picture, she is pointing to where she wants Daddy to hang them. She is a little bossy! We had a great time! The kids were so interested in the tree, I was sure it wouldn't survive the whole month, but we have made it with no major accidents so far!!!
Me and the kids with the finished tree! It was looking a little bare, so I added some ribbon later...
Dad and the kids - I love Rylee's CHEESE for this picture!!!
I also hit up the Tai Pan sale after Christmas and bought all new coordinating ornaments for the tree for half price! I am SO excited for next Christmas all ready!!! I have even thought about redecorating the tree just to see how it looks with all the cool new stuff I bought!


Karmann said...

Hey girlie! I love all your pictures!! Hopefully I can be like you someday. Sorry I have been mia, havent been doing to well. Love you and think of you often even though you may not hear from me!

Clark Family said...

Oh how cute!! I think that you should leave it up year-round!