Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Aggies and Temple Square

Early in December, the Aggies played BYU down at the EnergySolutions Arena, where the Jazz play. Tickets to the game came with our season ticket package, so we made the trek down to Salt Lake for the game and it was so much fun! Logan thought it was SO great to be where the Jazz play - We really need to take him to a game! The game was really cool since it was neutral and both teams had a lot of fans. (Although the Aggies had LOTS more fans and were MUCH louder!!!) The reason that we had to play BYU there was because they were too chicken to play in Logan at the Spectrum - Really! - Their coach said he wouldn't play there. It was a really close game, but the Aggies lost - It was a little sad, but such a good sporting event! We LOVED it! Rylee slept through most of the game. It was SO loud so I have NO idea how she managed this, especially since she rarely sleeps when there is something going on - She likes to always be part of the action. She must have been really tired!
Darren yelling for the Aggies! He usually is getting after me for yelling so much, so I like to have proof that he does it too! He yelled so much he accidentally spit his gum and we think it may have hit the lady in front of us. We found the gum after though, so I guess it didn't end up in her hair...
Logan loves to yell for the Aggies too! He looks just like daddy!
Darren and Logan - Yes...Logan is still yelling for the Aggies!
Me and my cheerleader Rylee! My face is red from yelling so much, too!
I think the Aggies got ripped off.... If the game was at the Spectrum, I think they would have come away with the victory! It was such a fun game for the fans, even if we did lose!
Afterwards, we decided to go walk around Temple Square and see the lights. The problem was EVERYONE else at the game had the same idea!!! And it was a Saturday night, so it was SO crowded! The kids LOVED it though, although Rylee was not a real big fan of the cold weather!Both kids really loved going to see the Christus statue. They both just stared up at it while the little program was playing. I think this was their favorite part of the night.Waiting for the Nativity to start. The problem was, it never did! Something was wrong - It kept lighting up, but never had any audio. We just told the kids what was going on. Rylee kept saying "Jesus, born" I guess she sort of got it. While we were sitting there, we ran into our good friends, the Barkers.! I thought I had a picture with them, but I think Jenn took it on her camera. It was so fun to see them!
The kids loved the lights and Logan especially liked the big reflection pond! He kept trying to put his hands in it - I think he would have frozen! After a little bit, they were cold and tired and we were ready to go, but we had a great time and LOVE Temple Square at Christmas!!!

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