Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You Better Watch Out...

You better not cry...You better not pout....I'm telling you why - SANTA CLAUS is coming to town!!! I know that Santa has come and gone, but I had to post our pictures from visiting Santa. I have to say, the "Santa is watching" threat worked REALLY well at our house this year! Logan was so worried about Santa deciding to leave his presents at the North Pole, it usually worked like a charm to fix whatever problems we were having! Sometimes, it did take a phone call to the North Pole or a text message, but most of the time, just the threat worked great!!!
We wrote our letters to Santa pretty early so Santa wouldn't have any surprise last second requests. Logan did a great job. Here is what he wrote:
Dear Santa:
I am a good boy. I want 3 things.
1- Eva (from the Wall-E movie)
2- Race Car Track
3 - Mater
Dad wants a beanie and Rylee wants a kitchen and Mom wants a dress.

He wrote his letter himself and just told us what he was writing as he did it, so I wrote it all down. He even "signed" his name himself too. He was pretty funny about his 3 things! Anytime anyone asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he rattled off his list of three really fast. He was VERY specific about the Mater he wanted too. He had to be blue (the new Mater) and from ToysRUs since that is where he saw it and had to say things. He was also funny choosing things that the rest of us wanted, too. He chose a beanie for Darren because that is what he bought for him and I have no idea why he chose a dress for me! (I must not have been good though because I didn't get it...) He was REALLY excited to meet Santa and tell him his list in person, so we went a few days before Christmas. We went to the Cache Valley Mall, which is a great place to see Santa because NO ONE is ever there! The kids waiting for their turn to see Santa - They were pretty excited!Logan climbed right on Santa's lap and was pretty funny. Santa asked him what he helped his mom with and he said "EVERYTHING" and rolled his eyes. It was pretty funny! Then Santa asked what he wanted and Logan spit out his list pretty quick.... "An Eva, a race car track and a Mater, please" At least he said please!
Logan and SantaRylee wanted nothing to do with sitting on Santa's lap. I wish I could have gotten the picture of her crying with a death grip on Darren, but I wasn't quick enough! She was fine to smile as long as she knew Darren was going to hold her. She kept saying "see Santa!" after and I would ask if she wanted to sit on his lap and the answer was always NO!!! Maybe next year...


Karmann said...

How fun! I love that Logan had a specfic list to give and that you did the whole threating santa line to help with situations, I bet you wish that would work all year round! Hopefully Rylee will be ready for Santa next year but the fun is those couple of years where there is stranger danger!

Clark Family said...

It takes someone extremely brave to sit on a strange, fat, breaded man's lap.