Friday, February 22, 2013

Future Olympian?

August 2 - Rylee decided that she wanted to try gymnastics this year instead of dance.  I wanted to be sure that is what she wanted to do, so I had her go to the gym to try it out.  They had a coach work with her and assess what level she should be in.  She LOVED it!  She jumped right up on the beam and was so excited and loved the bars too.  I think watching the Olympics has made her (and me!) excited about it and she looked so cute doing it!

After her assessment, she was SURE that she didn't want to do dance and she wanted to do gymnastics.  We took her to a little class to try it the next week and she LOVED it and is so excited to start every week when school starts.  She keeps talking about "when she is in the Olympics".  I think she thinks that everyone who does gymnastics goes to the Olympics. 

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