Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hogle Zoo

August 4th - The kids were so excited to visit the Hogle Zoo this summer and see the new Rocky Shore exhibit with the polar bear and the seals and sea lions.  I think Logan asked once a day if THIS was the day we could go to the Hogle Zoo.  Anytime we said we were going to do something fun, he hoped we were going there and seemed disappointed with anything else. We finally found a day to go!  It was REALLY hot but we had a great day.  Aunt Heather and her kids and Uncle Kyle came along, too.  The polar bear was so much fun to see and we had a great day.  It was a teddy bear picnic day, so if you brought a teddy bear you got a discount on your ticket for the day. 

Bronson ready for a day at the zoo.  Poor guy was SO hot and SO hungry!  I kept trying to find a good spot to stop and feed him but he fell asleep first.  He is such a trooper to go along with all our craziness! 
Little cuties ready to hit the zoo. 

Logan couldn't wait to get the map and find his way to the new Rocky Shores exhibit.  He was also relieved there were no moving dinosaurs like on our last visit. 

Have to get a drink from this fountain.  It is a classic at Hogle Zoo! 
Checking out the little monkeys.  The kids thought they were so cute.  There was even a new little baby on one of the mommy's back. 
This funny monkey was playing right over the girls' heads.  They thought it was so silly! 

Avery LOVED the elephant!  It was her favorite!  She even wore her elephant shirt to the zoo. 
Little Baby Zuri was so cute while we were there!  She was running all around and kept getting in the water and splashing all around.  It was so fun to watch her. 
Rylee really liked baby Zuri. 
Playing around

Watching the Seals!  We LOVED the Rocky Shores exhibit!  It was definitely as cool as we hoped it would be! 
Avery watching the seals and sea lions with Aunt Heather and cousin Ethan
The Polar Bear was so fun!  We stayed and watched him forever.  He just kept doing the same thing and after talking to some other friends who had been to the zoo, it sounds like it does it quite often.  He would  He would push off this rock, go up to the glass and then do almost a backflip off the glass and swim back to the rock and start all over again.  And again.  And again.  My kids decided to name him the Backstroke Bear.  They were very entertained! 

There are lots of polar bear pictures.  It was our favorite part of the day! 

So glad our cousins could come with us!  Ethan, Robin and Aunt Heather
Logan with the bears - It is hard to get many good pictures of him.  He is always so excited and running ahead to the next thing.  We had to talk to him about ENJOYING each thing instead of being in such a hurry!
I love this little guy! 

Why is it so hard to get everyone to look at the camera for a picture? 
 Mommy and Bronson at Mommy's favorite - The giraffe! 
I had to go and feed Bronson right after this.  (He is looking pretty hungry in this picture...)  Some lady stopped and told me what a good job I was doing for feeding him.  It was a little odd...
Ry's favorite was the giraffe, too.
We stopped for a break on the carousel.  The kids chose this over the train and I was a little sad because I like the train ride.  Rylee had gotten into trouble before we left the house for the day.  She almost got left at Grandma's instead of going to the zoo.  Instead, she lost the chance to ride the carousel so that is why she isn't in the pictures. 
Avery LOVES the carousel!!!  She was so happy she got to ride the baby elephant.

Ethan and Aunt Heather
Uncle Kyle
There are a lot of pics on the carousel.  I just love all the faces Avery pulls.
Logan loved riding on the cheetah.  His favorite animal!

Little Monkeys measuring up.
 Avery wanted her OWN picture...
Bron looking hot and sweaty but still happy! 

An attempt to get a pic of all 4 kids.  Avery was NOT having it! 

3 out of 4.... 
My Monkey Boys!

 Avery would only do it if I did it with her.  I love my monkey!  Even if she wouldn't cooperate with pictures!   
Playing on the slide.  This made Avery happy again!  As you can see, she was in heaven! 

It was HOT but they still wanted to run around and play on the playground. 

Rylee in character on the spider web.  She refused to smile! 

Bronson still sweating...
Rylee always wants to hold Bronson and have her picture taken. 
Cute baby Robin.  I love her eyes! 

Bronson "talking" to Daddy!  So sweet!
Avery having some snacks.  She is so sweaty! 
Avery and Ethan pounding some treats.  They are the cutest little partners in crime! 

Uncle Kyle
Such a fun day at the zoo!  We LOVED the new Rocky Shores and can't wait to go back again and see the new African Savannah when it is done.  They have made the zoo SO much better over the last few years and it is always something we really look forward to each summer! 

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