Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

July 31 - For fun in July, we read Harry Potter #1 and then celebrated his birthday on July 31st by watching the movie.  We made Wizard hats and wands and painted on scars.  We had some "bertie botts beans".  (They were really Jelly Bellys because I couldn't find them anywhere and didn't plan ahead enough to order them online, but Logan was convinced they were the real thing and that he got a booger one...)  We made Butter beer (not a hit with the kids!) and Golden snitches and licorice wands for treats.  It was so fun and the kids loved it!  I think it was my favorite movie night yet. 
My little wizards - Logan


Logan and his Golden Snitch
Logan casting a pretty serious spell - I loved that after this the kids played Harry Potter together for a few days.  It was so cute! 
Our treats - worms, "bertie bott" jelly beans, licorice wands (which the kids hated) and Golden snitches made from Ferrero Rocher with some vellum wings.  Those were the favorite for sure. 

WE made these wands out of chopsticks.  We just put hot glue on in random patterns and painted over them.  The kids thought they were the coolest thing ever. 
Butter beer.  The kids thought this was gross.  And it kind of was.  I guess I should try another recipe next time. 
Happy Birthday, Harry! 

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

This looks fun! Carter's about done reading Harry potter. Maybe we'll have a little party.