Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bronson - 3 to 4 Months

Pictures of Bronson from July 27 - August 26
July 27 - Hanging out poolside for the kids' last day of swimming lessons.  Bronson was a champ!  We went to the pool everyday for 2 weeks and he was such a good baby during all of it.  Even though he never got in the pool! 

July 27 - Cute brothers enjoying our Olympic party for the Opening Ceremonies

Gold Medal baby
July 30 - Going on an outing up the canyon with some friends.  We went on some pretty rough dirt trails and Bronson bumped along in his stroller without much complaint.

August 1 - Bronson loves playing in his play gym and I love watching!  His little legs just kick because he gets so excited and his arms go crazy, too.  He just lays there and coos and squeals and looks up at the toys.  He really loves the mirror on the top and is starting to be able to actually grab onto the toys sometimes now.  He is so happy! and such an easy going baby!  We love him!!!  He is growing and doing so much more lately.
Those little legs are kicking
Sweet baby smiles

 August 4 - Our trip to the Hogle Zoo.  Poor Bronson was hungry and tired and hot when we got there.  I kept looking for a place to stop and feed him but he ended up falling asleep before I did.  He was still pretty happy.  As long as he had his binky. 

Taking a little snooze in the stroller
Mommy and Bronson visiting the giraffes

Taking it all in.  He was such a little trooper on a long, hot day!
Little monkeys

Hanging out with daddy while the kids played on the playground.  I love the way he looks at his daddy!
Bronson and Rylee - His sisters are always wanting to hold him and take a picture! 
August 6 - We were invited to a special Family Night Picnic at the park for the National Children's study. It was a lot of fun!  The other kids had fun playing games and having their face painted, and Bronson just smiled and talked to me in the stroller.  He is SO sweet! 

Love those chubby cheeks! 
August 7 - Our good friends, the Lifferths, invited us up to Bear Lake for a ride on their new boat.  This was Bron's first boat ride.  And I think his first major meltdown!  He didn't like the boat.  Bron just wanted to eat the life jacket. He hated it!  I don't think he liked the wind in his face either.  He was SO grouchy until he fell asleep!  I have never seen him SO upset!
Taking a nap and using Daddy's hat for some shade on the boat
He was a little bit happier once he woke up.  He still didn't want his life jacket zipped up though. 
Little boat man
August 8 - Relaxing at a picnic at Mack Park

August 9 - A trip to the fair.  Bronson was mesmerized by the chickens! 
Hanging out in the stroller while the big kids rode rides.  I can't get enough of his smiles! 
August 11 - Headed to his first rodeo.
 Watching some rodeo action - He loved having so much to look at and see and didn't seem to mind all the noise at all.
He fell asleep before the rodeo was over. 
August 15 - Out to breakfast for Daddy's birthday
Daddy and Bronson on Daddy's birthday

We went to the Redneck Water slide with the youth and had fun celebrating Daddy's birthday there.  Bronson loved Daddy's raspberries on his tummy. 

 August 16 - Bronson spent the day hanging out with Mom in Salt Lake.  We went to Mom's cousin, Melissa's wedding at the Salt Lake Temple.  Aunt Heather's sister-in-law, Candis, and Mom's cousin, Stacey, both helped watch Bronson while Mom was in the sealing.  After pictures, we headed over to the City Creek Shopping center and had breakfast with Aunt Heather, Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura and Grandma and Grandpa B and shopped at the Disney store and H&M.  That night, we went to the reception. 
My handsome little man at the temple

 August 17 - Bronson's first trip to the beach.  We went to Bear Lake for the weekend with mommy's family and stayed at an awesome cabin.  Bron slept through some of our fun. 

 Cute Beach Baby Bron

 Wearing Daddy's hat
My Beach Boys
 Bronson started to get a bit crabby before we left the beach.  Logan was trying to make him happy.  He is such a good big brother. 

 Ready to go home! 
 Chilling at the cabin watching everyone play volleyball
Snuggling up with Mom for a late night outdoor movie
 August 18 - Another fun day at the beach!  Bronson started out this day sleeping, too.

 Love those lashes!
 Little Beach Bum trying out his chair.  We have had this chair since Logan was little and it is fun to see pictures of all our kids enjoying the beach in it! 

 We let him put his toes in the water.  He didn't really seem to love it, but it didn't upset him either. 
 The crew at the beach

 Watching the rest of us enjoy a famous Bear Lake shake.  Next year, he can join in! 
 With Mommy at Pickleville Playhouse
Daddy left for a Real game the night of the play, so Mommy was trying to handle all 4 kids.  Luckily, I had lots of help from family.  Part way through the show, Avery got really upset and had to sit in Mommy's lap and ONLY mommy's lap.  I had to hand Bronson off.  He sat on Uncle Dean's lap and fell right to sleep.  So cute!  Dean is such a good Uncle!  The kids love him and he is so good with them. 

 August 19 - One last picture at the cabin before heading home.  Bronson liked sitting in this swing.  
 August 20 - A day of running in the sprinklers.  Or watching if you are Bronson. 
 August 22 - For the last day of summer before Logan started school, we had a picnic at the park.  Bronson slept through it. 
  After the picnic, we went to the zoo.  Bronson seemed to really enjoy it!

 Bronson loved watching the ducks.  I thought he was going to jump in a couple of times! 
August 23 - First day of school for big brother Logan.  It will be fun to compare how much little Bronson has grown from the first to last day of school!
 August 25 - Trying out a bath with his sisters.  This was one of his first times trying out the BIG tub.  A little scary but he survived and actually seemed to enjoy it almost as much as them. 

 FOUR months old!!! 

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