Monday, February 4, 2013

Pioneer Day

July 24th - In true Webber holiday fashion, we had a VERY busy Pioneer Day and managed to squeeze in a ton of activities and fun!  We didn't go to the North Logan parade, which is our usual plan, because we were trying to make it to Ogden, but we were too late for that one, so no parades.:(  It was probably OK since it was kind of rainy.  I don't think the Ogden parade would have been much fun in the rain.  Here are the kids dressed and ready to head out for a day full of celebrating. 

We went to Great-Grandma Mary's house for her yearly celebration with the whole family.  This is something my Grandma has always done and we try to never miss it. My Grandma is really into traditions.  It is always the same food (BBQ) and it is a big deal to be there.  We love it and it is fun to see my cousins and other family that we don't see very often.  This year we also played family history bingo and the kids got some cool prizes. They were pretty excited about them! 
My Grandma with her 7 Great-Grandkids - Logan, Bronson, Ethan, Brooklyn, Robin, Rylee and Avery

Mr Bronson hanging out on the patio. 
Avery having some lunch
Sitting by Uncle Brad
Playing Family History Bingo with Grandpa B
Logan was entertaining my cousin Kurt and his wife Haley while they played Bingo. 

Mr Bronson looking handsome in his hat

Bronson and Grandma B
Avery looking at her special treasure she won in the Bingo game.  The funny thing is that my Grandma brought these bags back from Hawaii.  I have one from that trip when I was about 8.  And she still has them!  My girls loved them!  They had some jewelery in them that was my Great-Aunt Georgie's. 

So cute!  And a little bit hot! 
Avery with her BEAUTIFUL necklace.  She loved it!  I don't know if it lasted the whole day though...
One of my Grandma's friends that was there had a little puppy.  Avery loved it! 
Cute little man Bronson
Logan also really enjoyed talking to a good friend of Grandpa Boman's who came that was in the air force and knew lots about air planes.  He was in heaven!  He has been way into planes since going to the Air Force museum and knows lots of random facts about their wingspans and how much they cost.  The guy was pretty impressed with Logan's knowledge! 

My sister, Vanessa, invited us to go bowling, so we managed to squeeze in a quick round at Fat Cat's before meeting some friends for dinner.  My parents and the boys came along, too.  It was a bit crazy and we probably should have skipped it, but the kids wanted to go and they had so much fun! 

Doing a little dancing.  This kid can't ever sit still and he loves music! 

Goofing around with Uncle Brad

My crazy little bowlers

Avery put her hands like this after every roll.  It made me laugh! 
Uncle Kyle and Uncle Brian threatened to bowl WITH Logan

Love cute baby bowling shoes
Oh, Miss Avery...
After bowling, we had to cruise to make it to dinner! 

Our good friends from Vegas, the White's, were in town so we met for dinner at Tepanyaki!  Yummm...Love that place!  Avery got pretty scared when they lit the grill on fire, but other than that it was a great dinner.  We just love those guys and get so excited when we are able to see them.  Their kids are getting to be so grown up.  Avery LOVES noodles! 
Maddie, Rylee and Natalie
Logan, Spencer and Avery
Rylee chatting to Maddie.  She thinks these big girls are so cool! 

Bron slept through dinner. 
Afterwards, we wanted to be able to chat with the White's a little longer, so we headed to Layton Park.  We had a great time chatting and playing volleyball and running around and looking at the ducks. 

We planned to head home early, but ended up at Grandma B's house to watch some fireworks before we drove home.  Their neighbors had some pretty sweet ones.  Logan wants me to be sure and remember the fiery falcons that Uncle Kyle lit...  We had a great time watching them and then we made the late night drive home.  Whew!  Another busy and fun holiday. 

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