Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bronson - 4 months

Sweet Mr Bronson's 4 month pictures taken at the end of August.  He looked like such a little man!  I hate how quickly my little guy is growing up! 


Bron is putting on some serious chub these days! 

 And just a few more.  He is looking so big next to his little elephant now! 



Some things we love about our little Bronson at FOUR months old:

Bronson's 4 month stats - He weighed in at 17 lbs 2 oz!!!  Holy cow that is a big baby!!!  However, that did drop him down to the 86%.  He also was 26 1/4 inches long (88%) and his head was in the 80% (43 1/2). He did so great, then had his shots and was so sad.  I got him calmed down a little and gave him his binky and his blankie and then he was totally happy.  He LOVES his blankie and loves to have it snuggled right up against his face.  
He is getting SO chubby!  I just love his sweet little rolls on his arms and legs and his chins and dimpled hands.  I love baby chub!  It is so squishy and kissable! 
He is starting to roll a bit, or at least try.  He makes it onto his side, but not quite all the way over.  He gets SO mad that he can't make it over!  I think he is a little too chubby! That is a lot of weight to move.  And he has a pretty good size head to get over, too. 
He isn't rolling, but he somehow manages to get around pretty good.  When I put him down, he manages to scoot and turn in different directions.  I will leave him on his play mat and come back a few minutes later and he will be in a totally different spot and direction.  He arches his back and scoots around by pushing off with his feet.  He can cover some distance! 
He has discovered his hands and LOVES them!  He is always chewing on his fingers.
He also just discovered his feet and toes.
He loves polka dots and things with patterns.  He loves his toys that are that way and I can tell that he will pick certain patterned things over other toys.  I sat by someone at church that had on a big polka dot print on her shirt and he couldn't leave her alone all during church.  He loved it! 
Bronson is getting really good at grabbing things.  It has been fun to watch that process again.  You kind of forget how that all works and happens, but it is amazing to watch them go from just looking at something to actually being able to grab it and then play with it!  He has gotten to be pretty good at getting things and he has even grabbed my food a couple times.  It makes it much harder to do things while I hold him. 
He loves his play gym and the toys on his bouncer.  He can swing at the toys and grab them now and he loves it! 
He does so many happy sounds and squeals.  He has this very high pitched scream when he is happy.  He is also starting to talk a little, too and babble.  It is the cutest! 
He wakes up so happy in the morning.  He is all smiles.  I guess it is a good thing to wake up to.  Especially because he still isn't sleeping well at night.  He seems to want to nurse a lot at night and still wakes up at least 2 times and usually 3. 
Bronson is starting to laugh a lot now.  I love it!  It is the best sound!  He is really ticklish so its easy to make him laugh.  He also loves the kids and they can make him laugh better than anyone. 
He loves to be swaddled.  When you wrap him up, he just grins up at you and relaxes.  It is so funny.  he also LOVES his blankie right up by his face.

He for some reason thinks its funny when daddy holds him upside down.  That can usually get a good laugh out of him. 
Bronson loves the bottom of his feet rubbed.  Ever since he was born, that is one way I can usually get him to calm down and relax if he gets fussy.  Which isn't too often.  He also likes me to tickle the bottoms of his feet when he is sleepy. 
Bronson is so happy all the time.  He is so friendly and loves to be out and about and gets so happy when we got outside or anywhere.  He seems to just love people and doesn't mind being on the go.  He is also great in the car and loves his car seat.  He rarely gets mad.  This month was busy with the end of summer and we had lots of fun outings - We went to the Hogle Zoo, and to the park and the County Fair and Rodeo.  We also visited the little zoo by our house and he went with me to my cousin's wedding at the Salt Lake temple.  We went boating with some friends at Bear Lake and Bronson did NOT like the boat.  I think it was the first time that he was REALLY fussy and I didn't know what to do!  We also spent a weekend at Bear Lake with the Boman side of the family and went to the Beach and to a play and Bronson did great!   It makes it so much easier to try and go and do things when you have an easy going baby.  I guess we will just have to be careful of boats. 
He has this his little caterpillar toy that used to be Logan's when he was little and he loves it.  The legs are little pieces of fabric with knots on the ends and he loves to suck on them.  
Bronson loves to grab onto your finger.  Logan is convinced that is because he and Bronson are just alike.  So sweet!  I love my boys! 

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