Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kids Stuff...

Just a few funny things the kids have said over the last couple weeks....

I am breastfeeding Bronson and it has Avery VERY interested!  The first time I started to feed him, she looked at me and said "Why your boobie out?"  Then the other day, I was feeding him and she asked if she could hold him.  I told her he was eating and she said, "He can eat from mine boobie!"  and started to pull up her shirt.  Always trying to be helpful...  

The other day, we were driving to Salt Lake and Rylee said, "Hey Look!  A herd of motorcycles!" Logan was very quick to point out that animals travel in herds.  Not motorcycles.  He really likes to correct Rylee lately. 

Logan has been hating bedtime lately.  Right before I had Bronson, he was complaining about bedtime and being quite dramatic.  He said, "This is the worst time of the day!  It is worse than jumping into a lava pit without permission!"

Logan also has not been happy about some of the consequences he has been receiving lately.  Darren and I took a parenting class recently and Logan will sometimes remind us "What about the parenting class?" if we happen to raise our voices or if I tell him I learned one of his consequences in the parenting class he says, "I wish you would have NEVER gone to parenting class!"  The other day, he got into trouble and said, "When I'm a parent, I'm NOT learning from you!"

Every night when we tuck in Avery, she says, "I need to tell you some-ping"  Then you have to go over to her bed and she says the same thing every night, "Hallie mine age.  Lizzie mine age.  Mollie mine age.  Annie mine age.  Pepper mine age."  (The first two are friends.  The rest are characters from the movie Annie.)  It has been the same for the past week or so and makes me laugh every time.

I was getting Rylee ready for her dance pictures this week and we started talking about her upcoming recital.  She told me she was a little nervous because there would be so many people there.  I told her lots of people who loved her would be there.  She started going through the list.  Would I be there?  Would Dad be there?  Would Logan?  Grandma?  Grandpa?  Then, randomly she asked, "Will Heavenly Father be there?"  I told her that he is always watching over us.  She said, "No mom.  That is Santa!"

Rylee did a performance for my mom and me the other day when my mom slept over.  (The boys had a father-son campout so we had a girls night.)  She was "pronouncing" each act and singing some fabulous songs she made up herself.  All of the performers were friends of hers or combinations of names of friends and neighbors.  It was pretty entertaining.  At the end, she asked us all to give the performers "a round of plus".  Too cute!

When Rylee visited me at the hospital, she looked at my tummy and seemed quite concerned.  She said, "Mom, why do you still have a big tummy if the baby came out?"  Then, Rylee drew a picture of me after I came home from the hospital.  She drew me and Bronson, but I still had a big pregnant belly.  I asked her why I was still pregnant in the picture and she said, "Well Mom, your tummy is still kinda big."  Then she said, "I guess I can erase a little" and she made the bump a tiny bit smaller...

I was getting Rylee ready for school and she told me that she when she cries before school (which happens alot since we are always having fights about her clothes and shoes,etc) she likes to take her tears and get her eyelashes wet and then push them up so they curl and "look so beautiful".  I can't believe the things she does and pays attention to at this age!!! 

Logan brought home a picture the other day from school.  They make these little wheels with vocabulary words.  On one side of the wheel, they draw things that are the word and fit the definition and on the other side, they draw things that do NOT fit.  The word was mighty.  On the NOT side, he drew Bronson and a few other things.  On the Mighty side, he drew Mt Everest and his SISTERS!  And they were doing some evil laugh.  I couldn't stop laughing!!! 

Avery says some of the funniest prayers lately.  She usually just says whatever we are doing or gives Heavenly Father a little update.  The other night we sat down to eat and she said, "Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day.  Thank you for the blessings.  Daddy drinking Diet Coke, Mommy drinking water and I'm drinking water and Rylee is drinking water and Logan is drinking water.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."   Her prayer the other night was very similar except it said, "Mommy eating dinner.  I'm eating dinner.  Rylee eating dinner and Logan eating dinner.  Bronson not eating dinner."

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