Friday, May 11, 2012

Coloring Eggs

April 4th - We love any holiday and the kids get very excited about any traditions and were very excited about coloring their Easter eggs this year.  Some times we get fancy kits and paint and things, but this year we just went with the plain old color and they loved it!  Rylee was very into decorating hers just so.  Logan had his done really fast and wanted to do more.  Avery would take a crayon and draw all over one and throw it in the dye and be ready for a new one.  We did about 24 eggs, but I think they could have done this all day!  I love little family activities like this! was Spring Break and we did this in the morning before Daddy went to work, so don't mind the lovely hair dues and they wore Daddy's big shirts so they didn't make a mess... 
Ready to color!!! 

Avery working on her eggs with her crayons.  She was really into it this year! 

Rylee liked writing her name and doing special designs with her crayons on the egg.
Our pretty eggs...

They each chose a favorite to take their picture with...  Here is Logan's
Rylee and her egg
Miss Avery

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