Friday, May 11, 2012

General Conference

Darren ran an errand to the store and Bronson is still napping, so I have a few minutes and thought I would attempt to get a few things posted.  I was considering a nap, but since the little man is due to wake up any minute, it wouldn't be a very good one...  I am still trying to make it through all the photos and journal our sweet baby's birth, so it might take me awhile to get it all blogged, but here are a few things from the beginning of April.  

April 1 - I love General Conference weekend!  It is one of my very favorite weekends of the year!  I love hanging out in our jammies and spending time together as a family and listening to the uplifting words of our prophets.  It is the best!  I also love how much my kids LOVE it!  They get so excited to get their special packets and do lots of church related coloring and play conference bingo and all that fun stuff.  Sadly, our Saturday was super busy this year so we had to listen to conference in the car and kind of missed the 2nd session (luckily, we have DVR).  Sunday was great though.  We loved hearing the messages and enjoying our family.  I never thought I would hear much of Conference once I had kids, but I think sometimes I get to listen better now and I rarely fall asleep!  And that afternoon, our family came over for a yummy dinner and celebrated Rylee's birthday with us.  It was great! 
Look how cute they are coloring away!  Logan and Rylee have these little desks from one of our road trips when Avery was a baby, so she didn't have one.  Daddy was handy and made this little one for her out of a diaper box.  Daddy's are the best!
Avery hard at work! 
Avery's favorite part was the singing!  She loved it!  She stood up to lead the music just like the conductor.  It was pretty cute!  Also, one of the speakers quoted the lines to "I Am a Child of God" and her little face got so excited and she said, "That is MY song!  He said MY song!"  (That is her bedtime song every night.)  It was so precious!  I love this girl! 

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