Friday, May 4, 2012

The Hospital Stay, Day 1

Here are a few more details from Bronson's birth and our first day from our lovely hospital stay.  Now that I have 3 kids, the nice, quiet hospital seemed like a bit of a break and was actually kind of nice and some great bonding time for me, Bronson and Daddy.  I held Bronson as much as I could, knowing that when I went home I would have so many demands on my time, and also knowing how quickly that snuggly little newborn stage passes.  The nurses that took care of me were so fabulous and I think since it was my 4th baby, they were very laid back and didn't bother me too much.  It was probably the best experience I've had with the birth and everything else. 

Anyway - Once I was feeling a little better after surgery, they moved me from the recovery room to a regular mother-baby room.  It wasn't until about 3:00 pm.  It took longer than we thought it would and the kids were so anxious to come.  My parents had also made the drive up and were just hanging around the hospital waiting to see the baby.  I was still feeling really out of it.  I was still in more pain than I remember from other babies and whatever they gave me for pain made me REALLY tired so I felt a little out of it and was still nauseous.  But, since I knew how much everyone wanted to meet our little guy, and I knew how much I wanted to share him and how perfect he was, we had the crew come on over.  They got there about 4:00.  It was a little overwhelming at first, but I loved watching my kids with Bronson and how excited they were for their new brother.  And the grandparents, too.  (I put all those pics in another post...)  While the kids were there, and both Grandmas, they came in to do Bronson's bath.  We had thought they would do this earlier, but they took awhile for them to come.  I love that they do this in my room so I can see it, too. I missed this with Logan and Rylee.  It worked out great that they took longer because the kids LOVED watching Bronson get a bath.
The kids were so funny during the bath.  They were asking the nurse all kinds of questions.  On Monday for Family Home Evening, I had pulled out my journal and pictures and talked about each of their birth stories and kind of explained what would happen when Bronson was born.  They were very excited to share lots of these details with the nurse during the bath.  Bronson cried during the bath and it had the kids pretty concerned.  Logan told the nurse that his cry was quiet, "not like Rylee's!  She screamed all day when she was born!"  They also wanted to know about his umbilical cord and they thought it was funny that he had so much hair on his back and shoulders. 

Bronson's first little bath - He didn't really like it.  He cried the whole time!  I took these pictures from the bed, since I couldn't get up yet, so they aren't the best angle. 
Look at all that hair! 

His favorite part was having his hair washed.  He screamed the whole bath until then.  Once they washed his hair, he relaxed and seemed to really enjoy it.  The nurse let the kids all take a turn helping to wash his hair with the little brush and they thought that was great!  They thought it was so funny that he liked to wash his hair.
After his bath, they wanted me to hold him skin to skin to get his temperature back up.  Is there anything better than that???  I don't think so!  I love snuggling this little guy!  And looking at this picture helps me understand why all the nurses were so worried about me!  I look SO tired!  They all kept telling me to get some sleep, but it was impossible!  They kept coming in to check everything and take blood and check the baby and then I needed to feed him....  It was a LONG day!
  Little snuggler
After the crowd left, we had some nice quiet time.  They don't take newborn pictures at the hospital anymore.  So, we attempted to get a few pictures that looked a little like the ones we have had taken before.  Little Bronson was so perfect! 

Bronson was also SO sleepy!  I have never had a baby be so sleepy and NEVER want to wake up!  It kind of stressed me out.  He wasn't very interested in eating and I was starting to worry that he wasn't going to and that my milk wouldn't come in if he didn't do it soon.  He was pretty good at nursing when I could get him to wake up.  He latched on really well for being so new, but he was so sleepy that he wouldn't eat for very long and would just fall back to sleep.  We tried just about everything to wake him up but he was such a sleepy little guy!  Eventually, it started to become a worry that he hadn't eaten much and they had to check his blood sugar that night.  It was really low, so they had me give him a little bit of formula.  They were great about it though and since I didn't want him to have a bottle, they hooked it up to a little syringe so that I could put it in his mouth while he was trying to nurse.  He was still too sleepy for that though, so I used my finger in his mouth to make him suck and had him take it that way.  Once he got that in him, his blood sugar went back to normal and he started to wake up a little better and eat a little longer.  He still was a much sleepier baby than I have had though. 

The nurses tried to get me up late that night to see if I could use the bathroom and stuff, but I was really light headed when they tried to stand me up, so they decided to wait until morning.  I was still feeling a little nauseous so they wouldn't let me eat anything but crackers.  I was starving by the next morning!  The nurses were great this time to let me go at my own pace and not push me to get up too soon.  I have had some scary moments in the past almost passing out in the bathroom when they got me up the first time, so they took it a little slower and I think it helped me heal better.  They also weren't nearly as worried about when the baby ate and how much.  They seemed much more relaxed and that helped me relax and it also seemed to make nursing go better, too. 
Another shot of all that hair! 
I love their funny squishy little faces when they burp

A couple rare shot of Mr Bronson with his eyes open.  All he wanted to do was sleep on his first day! 

Some pictures with Daddy - This hospital stay was one of my favorites for a lot of reasons, but one of them was because Darren and I were able to spend so much time together and with the baby.  This was because our kids were being taken such good care of by our moms.  Usually, Darren feels like he needs to be helping with the kids and stuff and so he isn't there all the time.  This time, he spent every night with me and was there a lot and it was so great!  I loved all our time together.  Maybe that time will have to count for the next few months of date nights because getting out with the new baby will be so tough!  I especially loved watching him with Bronson.  He is the cutest daddy and was so in love with Bronson and was always telling me all these sweet things about how cute and perfect he was.  He loved to snuggle him, which I didn't always love because sometimes he would steal him from me!  He also changed just about every diaper and he also took great care of me and made sure I had everything I needed and brought me treats and everything.  He is the best!  I love him so much and every time we have a baby, I realize I love him even more!  And, we do make pretty cute babies together! 

The first day was SO long and a little rough with Bronson not wanting to eat and me just not feeling very well, but we made it through and it got much better on day 2.  However, it was one of the best days of my life.  There is just something so special about those first few hours after having a new baby.  Each time a new little baby has come into our family, it has been an amazing spiritual experience for me to think how much Heavenly Father loves his children and how much he trusts me.  I was head over heels in love with little Bronson and spent all day snuggling him and just looking at him.  Here is some of what I wrote in my journal from that first day about him.  Some of it is probably kind of a repeat of some things I have already written, but I wanted to include it. 

Bronson is perfect!  He has SO much hair and a perfect little nose and mouth.  His little face is round and so perfect, too.  And every nurse commented on his long lashes.   It is hard to decide who he looks the most like - He looks a lot like all our other babies.  I think if Logan would have been born full term, they would almost be twins!  He also has a lot of Avery's look, too.  Our kids all come out of the same mold!   He has BIG hands and LONG fingers and feet and skinny arms and legs.  His face is pretty full with some sweet little cheeks, but the rest of him is skinny!  He is nursing really good, it is just hard to keep him awake!  He loves to be all swaddled up and I love how he tucks his little legs up by his bum.  If he isn't swaddled, he likes to have his hands right up by his face.  He loves to just snuggle up on our chests and that is my favorite part about a brand new baby so I am enjoying it as much as I can!  When he first wakes up, he loves to stretch out his tiny legs.  It is so cute!  I love his tiny, baby yawns and stretches!  He makes the sweetest little sounds, too.  He doesn't really cry - it is more of a tiny squeak and I love it!  I love how he opens his tiny mouth when he is ready to eat.  I love how he loves to grab anything with his little hand.  Especially when its my finger!  I love tickling his little feet and I love his newborn smell.  I love snuggling up against his full head of hair and how soft it is.  I love the funny little faces he makes.  I love when he gets tummy tickles and gets big grins on his tiny face.  I love when he is trying to wake up and he raises his eyebrows so cute when he is trying to get his eyes to open.  I love when he stares up at me with those beautiful, big eyes.  He looks like such a little man when he is awake and is seems so curious and interested in everything.  When they had me do skin to skin after his bath, he picked up his tiny head and tried to look all around - He is so strong for a little guy!  I love all the funny baby sounds he makes - the sweet little grunts and stirring sounds when he tries to wake up and his funny squeaks and squawks.  He just seems so sweet and so calm.  He HATES to be undressed!  The nurses say he also really hates being weighed.  I love his skinny little legs and all his wrinkles around his knees and that newborn skin.  We can't tell what color his eyes are yet - They are so big and really dark but look more grey than brown right now.  The kids are all fighting over if he has eyes like them.  I love ALL that hair - It is all over his back and shoulders.  I love how he looks like a little monkey when he stretches his arms up over his head.  I LOVE that he is OURS!  I feel so much love for him already.  I feel like I learn most about Heavenly Father's love for us when I have a baby and feel that special, unconditional love that is so immediate and so perfect.  As soon as he is placed in my arms, or even just watching him across the operating room, I loved that baby so much!  It is amazing!  And to think that Heavenly Father has enough love for me to trust me with this special spirit and to let me experience this kind of love and to experience motherhood, which is such a special gift.  It is the biggest blessing! 

If you can't tell, I LOVE this new little baby boy!!! 

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