Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hospital - Day 3

April 29, 12 - On Day 3 of the hospital stay, I woke up feeling so much better!  I had finally gotten a little more sleep and I was able to move so much better.  I was able to get up and take a really good shower all on my own and get dressed in real clothes.  I felt great!  I did several walks and was feeling so much better and like maybe I would survive going home....  maybe.... 

I was taking pretty much only Ibuprofen and I was still doing great!   My only pain was really when I nursed and everything would cramp up, or when I tried to move around a lot.  My mom brought the girls over to visit in the morning while Darren coached Logan's soccer game.  I had to do some of my walks so they went with me.  I will never forget poor Avery's little eyes as she watched me walk.  She looked so scared!  I was doing much better, but still was pretty slow.  I think she thought she was going to hurt me because when she took my finger, she barely held onto it, like she was afraid to squeeze it.  It was a little sad!  In the afternoon, I was able to get in a nap and do some journal writing and that afternoon and evening, the nurses kept me busy doing all the little checklist of things so that we could go home the next day. 

I also spent LOTS of time snuggling this little guy...and taking more pictures... because I knew pretty soon I would have to share him!!! 

Bronson and Mommy

He loves to stretch out when he is not all wrapped up
Love how their little legs stay bundled up like that! 
Tiny toes...

Bronson's little umbilical cord

Stretching again...

That night, Bronson got to watch his first soccer game with Daddy on TV.  Daddy must really love him...and me...because he gave his tickets to hang out with us at the hospital!  GO REAL!!! 

My sweet little man! 

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

Cute pictures! How was the movie? Sorry we missed it!