Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hospital - Day 2

April 27, 12 - Things in the hospital got better on Day 2.  I was able to get up and move around a little (and have my catheter out!) and I got to EAT!  Yeah!!!  They also got me up and walking and I took a quick shower and didn't pass out, which was a bit of a victory for me.  Little Bronson also started to wake up a little more and seem more interested in eating, which was good because his low blood sugar had stressed me out a little!  My pediatrician came in and assured me it was normal for him to be sleepy, so that helped me feel better about it, too.  I tried to get a little sleep and I held this little guy as much as I could!  And took lots of pictures of him.  He is so cute!!! 

I love how funny he looks after he eats - like he is a little bit drunk!  It was hard to catch him with his eyes open the first couple of days! 
And his crazy hair, too! 

Trying so hard to open his eyes.  I love how his little eyebrows would raise when he tried to open his eyes. 

I love his lashes! 

That night, Bronson and I got a couple visitors.  Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian made the drive up after work to meet Bronson and since they now live in both of my Grandma's neighborhood (next door to one of my Grandma's...) they brought them along.  So, Bronson met his first aunt and uncle and both Great-Grandmas.  So special!  Here he is with my Grandma P
Bronson and Great Grandma M
With Aunt V and Uncle Brian
After that, we spent the evening hanging out and watching some TV.  We watched lots of TV at the hospital.  I think on this night it was a marathon of Storage Wars.  We had never seen it before and it was pretty entertaining.  For about 3 episodes.  Then it all seemed the same.  We also fought over holding and snuggling Bronson.  I loved the time Darren and I got to spend with our new little guy and together.  It was perfect!

Oh yeah....  We also had a couple more little visitors that day...  These guys just couldn't wait to come back and get another chance to hold their little brother!  They were in LOVE!  They even stopped and each picked out a gift for him (thanks to Grandma Pat) and brought me some pretty flowers that Rylee picked out in the gift shop and made Daddy go get.  Love these sweet kids and how in love they were with their sweet new brother. 

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