Sunday, February 27, 2011


In January (Jan 3), our sweet little Princess Rylee graduated from Nursery and started PRIMARY! She was so excited to be a Sunbeam and go to the "class that Logan goes to". She is loving it! Her teachers are Sister Bladen and Sister Bingham and she loves them! She also loves her class. It has a bunch of her very best friends - Madi, Alli, Savannah, Easton, Owen and Gabe (I think I am forgetting someone...) Oh, Gabe! He is SO cute and Rylee has decided that she is going to marry him! He missed the first 2 weeks and Rylee was so concerned. She came home from church the first Sunday and told me that she was going to marry Gabe and grow as big as me and move to her own house!!! I thought I was just sending her to Sunbeams!!! Whenever she told anyone about her class, she would include that she is going to marry Gabe someday. She told Grandma Pat that "Gabe has been gone for 2 weeks. If he's not there, I'm going to be worried. I'm going to marry him."

Usually after church I will ask the kids what they learned about and I will have to ask Logan over and over again about things, but it is VERY different with Rylee! She will tell me EVERYTHING about her class, if she got picked to go up in sharing time, who she sat by (or didn't sit by)... a million things! She is SUCH a girl! She pays attention to every little thing. Sunbeams has also come with a little bit of girl drama, which I am not really ready for, but hopefully it works itself out. I hate seeing my little girl sad!

Rylee on her first day of Sunbeams!

Rylee made a life size drawing of herself on her first day of Sunbeams. I need to take a picture of it and post it because it was so cute and so Rylee! Her teacher also told me something funny she said the other day. They were talking about being baptized and the teacher asked how old you are when you get baptized. Someone said 8, and then Rylee said, "I'm never going to be able to get baptized because my Dad just wants me to stay 3 and be little forever!" So sweet! We have been teasing her that we don't want her to grow up and that we aren't going to let her turn 4.

And just for fun, here is a little flash-back...
This is Ry on her first day of Nursery at 18 months old in our old townhome in Logan! Time flies!!!
Of course, she didn't end up actually going to Nursery until she was closer to 2 years old, but this was her first official day of going to nursery and then sitting with mom! She didn't even look back when she went into Primary. She is definitely growing up... WAY TOO FAST!!!

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