Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sunny St George, Part 2

Sunday (January 30) we headed home from St George :(. I wish we could have stayed a couple more days! We were really enjoying the beautiful weather. We got up and went to church with Grandma and Grandpa. I packed some fun spring clothes for the girls to wear and I thought they looked so cute!
Avery not so happy about Rylee hugging her...
UGHHH... I have tried and tried to reload this picture and it just keeps staying turned. Does anyone know why Blogger does that? It drives me nuts! I love this picture - Twinner outfits and twinner poses! Such funny girls!!!

While I was packing up, Avery somehow managed to do this with her skirt. She walked around for quite awhile like this and got a lot of laughs. She tries so hard to be independent!
We needed some lunch before our long drive, so we made a stop at In-N-Out Burger. I think this was Avery's first real taste. She loved it! I'm pretty sure she ate almost an entire burger by herself...unless it was all on the floor, which is a definite possibility, but I think it mostly made it to her mouth!
Ry chowing down
Thumbs up from Logan
Avery LOVES her burger
The kids with Grandma and Grandpa before we hit the road
The kids did pretty good on the drive. They were all pretty tired and Avery took a pretty long nap. Once she woke up, we were a little worried! We had to stop for gas in Spanish Fork so we let the kids pick out a treat in the gas station and hoped that would hold them for another 2 hours. Rylee picked a ring pop.
Logan picked Pretzel M&M's - Thumbs up for those, too!
He LOVES his Leapster! It kept him busy most of the drive. The speaker went out on it, so he has to use headphones until we return it. We have tried to a few times, but they never have them at the store! I think he kinda likes the headphones though.
Avery picked a BlowPop as her treat.... She LOVES suckers!!! The good news is that it really did keep her busy and pretty quiet most of the rest of the way home. I don't know why we didn't think about this sooner!
The bad news is she was A MESS! She had sticky sucker EVERYWHERE! She kept putting it in her hair and her hands were so sticky! Her face and her carseat were all a sticky mess! And her super cute white sweatpants were GREEN from that stupid sucker! I guess it was worth it to not have a screaming baby!
This is the new face she LOVES to pull. Isn't it funny? She thinks she is hilarious! She is pretty entertaining.
She also kept putting it in her mouth like a dog bone or something and just holding it there. She is so funny! she is getting sticky sucker on her feet!
She is happy though, so we won't complain...too much...
She is very independent and wants to do EVERYTHING herself, and since I couldn't really reach her that worked out OK. She did try pretty hard to get her hands and face washed. Our sticky hot mess! I love this baby!!!
We stopped at my parent's house for a yummy Sunday dinner around 5 o'clock. While we were there, a big snow storm hit! Welcome back to WINTER!!! We had to drive home in it, which I hate! I wanted to turn around and go back to St George!!!

1 comment:

bladenfamily said...

Looks like a fun trip. We want to come next time!