Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Random Funny Stuff

Our kids always say the funniest stuff! I just wish I was better at writing it down. Here are a few recent funny moments.

Lately, Logan has been watching a lot of Star Wars. He has been feeling rather picked on because we won't let him watch the 3rd movie. I think it is too intense for him, so we told him since it was PG-13, he will have to wait until he is 13 to watch it. He is not too happy about it and in the car the other day he was begging and asking why over and over again. Darren told him it was because it was too scary for him and he replied, "No way! George Lucas would never do that!"

We might have made a judgement error and purchased the Dance Central game for our Kinect. It is super fun! As as matter of fact, its my favorite video game ever. The only problem is that some of the songs aren't really appropiate for a 5 year old and sometimes Logan goes around singing "Soldier Boy" and "Drop it Like its Hot". Not that he really knows the words, but they just aren't the best songs for a 5 year old. He also loves the Pokerface song by Lady Gaga and its the easiest one on the game, so he can get a good score pretty easily. However, he THINKS he knows the words, but I'm pretty sure they aren't right.... He sings "Cutie Pie, Cutie Pie. Go on and Poke Her Face, Poke Her Face" over and over! I love it! He LOVES to dance and has been inventing new dance moves like the Wall-E and the Bulldozer. (He names them himself) The other day I caught him doing some rather provacative dance moves in the window and watching his reflection. I asked him what he was doing and he said "Just the Sexy Jerk, Mom". It is move from the dance game. Once again, probably not age appropriate for a 5 year old. I told him never to do that move outside our house!

The other day, Logan had a little friend named Gracie over to play. I walked into this conversation:
Logan: Rylee, Gracie is coming over, but you should just go upstairs and pretend like she's not even here because she is coming to play with me.
Rylee: Gracie likes me, too. She even told me I was beautiful! (Said with lots of attitude!)
Logan: Well, I have a crush on her!
Rylee: What does that even mean? (also said with lots of attitude)
Logan: Mom, can you tell Rylee what a crush means?
Me: What is a crush, Logan?
Logan: Ugh! Its when you are in love with someone! Gosh! (Said all embarrassed like he didn't want to admit it! I was cracking up!)

So, those are kind of all funny Logan moments... Rylee makes us laugh constantly, but it isn't so much with WHAT she says, but the WAY she says them. The girl has some serious sass and attitude and her mannerisms and the way she uses her hands and facial expressions has us laughing all the time. She usually shold be getting into trouble for talking back, but it is a little hard to disclipline when you are laughing at her! She is a funny girl!

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