Saturday, February 5, 2011

Would You Rather???

Warning: This post is really disgusting!

In College, my roommates always played this funny game called "Would you rather?" all the time. They would come up with some really crazy situations and then ask, "Would you rather?" and you had to choose from one of two options they would come up with. This game was especially funny late at night. It is now actually a board game (or maybe it was before, but we always made up our own). We own it, but it is still in the box since Darren doesn't really like games and we never have adults over to play it with. Anyway, I digress...

My roommate Becca was especially good at coming up with funny and completly disgusting "Would You Rather"s and Darren and still laugh over a couple classics. Becca worked at a nursing home and one time she came up with "Would you rather lick an old man's frothy gums after taking out his dentures or lick a cow's bum?" SO gross, but a little funny....or maybe only if you know Becca...or maybe only late at night in a college dorm.... Another favorite that has caused some serious contemplation and debate over the years was "Would you rather eat ice cream that tastes like poo or poo that tastes like ice cream?" Really....think about it...

Anyway, my latest poop post got me thinking a little. You see, there was some irony involved with Avery eating her poop. A few weeks before, I was at my mom's and my sister's 2 dogs were running around. I am not really a dog person, or any pet person for that matter. Especially not after what I witnessed that day. Her dog threw up.... and then her puppy licked it all up! Seriously...ALL of it! I couldn't even find the spot where the dog threw up to clean it up, which I guess is a positive because I didn't want to clean it up. I told her that it was the MOST disgusting thing I had ever witnessed!

Then, Avery ate her own poop....

So, it begs the question.... "Would you rather.... lick up someone else's puke or eat your own poop?"

You don't have to answer. But, I know you are thinking about it....


The Peterson's said...

I remember the days of would you rather...yuck!

Clark Family said...