Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Avery at 16 months

Here is the latest Avery update - from Dec 26 - Jan 25....
Dec 26 - Avery loves her new ball pit she got for Christmas! She says "ba, ba" for ball and loves to throw them and peek through the little holes. Her brother and sister love the ball pit, too and somehow it has survived them...so far....
Dec 28 - Avery at my sister's open house. Her wedding was a two day thing. Post still to come... Avery made a cute little flower girl! This is her 3rd wedding and she isn't even 18 months yet!
Dec 29 - Avery at my little sister's wedding. We came out of the temple in the FREEZING COLD rain. It was not the most fun weather for pictures! Poor baby was soaked and so cold!
Dec 29 - Avery at my sister's luncheon.
Avery and my sister at the wedding reception
Avery spinning at the reception. She loved the dancing part!
Avery playing with Uncle Jeff
Avery and Mommy and the sparklers to send off the bride and groom
Dec 31 - New Year's Eve! Avery loved partying it at Uncle Brian's house. We had a fun time and she loved eating lots of junk, bugging Raja (their dog) and playing with the big kids.
Jan 1 - Avery with Uncle Dean at our New Year's Day party at my Uncle Ric's house.
My cousin was in town from California for the holidays and her little boy and Avery really hit it off. It was so funny to watch them together! He LOVED Avery, but she wasn't always so nice to him.
Here are some cute kissing cousins! Ben kept trying to kiss Avery, but she would usually push him away.
Avery and Ben trying to be friends
Avery sampling her first ever oil cake. We get together mainly just to eat these delicious things. Oh, yeah and to spend time together.... The oil cakes are kind of like a cross between a doughnut and a scone. They are amazing! Avery LOVED hers, if you can't tell. It is rolled in sugar...how could she not???
Rylee arranged all these bears on the stairs and Avery really wanted her picture taken. Funny girl!
Jan 2 - Avery just wanted her picture taken. She kept saying CHEESE, so I had to take one. Don't mind her crazy hair and the fact that she is naked!
And another one.... She loves her picture taken!!!
Jan 2 - All the kids got a game for Christmas and Avery's was Hot Potato. We finally got it out to play this Sunday and Avery LOVED it! Look how happy she is to finally be able to play a game with us instead of getting in trouble for knocking over all the pieces or something...
She would catch the potato and then shake it around for a few minutes. Avery can't resist - If there is music on, she has to shake it a little. I love it!
She would finally pass it and usually get that person out. Her strategy proved to be pretty effective! I loved that she could be included in what we were doing and how happy it made her!
Jan 3rd - Avery at her 15 month appointment. She didn't end up with any vaccines because she had a nasty sore throat and the Dr wanted to wait. She weighed 20 lbs 13 oz (18%), and was 31 inches (65%).
Jan 4 - Avery enjoying a little PB&J and looking ready for a nap... She is the pickiest eater! Sometimes she LOVES her PB&J and other days she wants nothing to do with it!
Jan 4 - Logan brought this box home for something for school. Avery thought it made a good chair. Jan 6 - Avery hit the jackpot! She found this HUGE peppermint stick in some stuff my Grandma gave us for Christmas and was chewing through the wrapper to get some when we discovered her. She LOVES her candy! She was a sticky mess, but oh, so happy!!! And by the way, we aren't ALWAYS in our PJs, although it looks like it from this post... That is just when I can grab the camera when we are home and not busy... Jan 7 - I sent the girls up to get dressed.... This was Rylee's idea for Avery.... She makes a cute little fish! Rylee loves to dress Avery up! Jan 10 - The infamous poop incident.... The poor girl ate her own poop...and was happy about it!

Yeah! All clean!!!
Avery and Rylee loving the tub! Sometimes these two play so cute together....Sometimes not so much...
Jan 14 - Being the HUGE Aggie fans that we are, we have to document Avery's first Big Blue encounter! We went to the gymnastics meet and she couldn't stop looking at him. She watched him everywhere he went. When we went over to meet him, she wasn't really sure... Jan 15 - Avery in one of her favorite places! The little stinker LOVES to unroll the Toilet Paper and I find any bathroom door left open with this mess at least once a day. This time I caught her in the act and she was quite proud of her mess!
She is so funny and also pretends that she is wiping while she sits on the potty. A little gross, but funny... I just wish I could Rylee so interested in the bathroom and the toilet!

Jan 17 - At lunch. Avery is the queen of funny faces right now and I love them! She can pull some pretty crazy ones.
Here is a good, happy one!
Jan 18 - Just Avery being silly. I was trying to get her to pull a certain funny face of hers, but she of course would not cooperate when I wanted her too. She is still a funny girl. I love how she tilts her head like that for her pictures.

Eating some string cheese....Her hair is looking quite crazy, but that is how is always is! Even when I spend the time to curl it, it doesn't last long.
I don't know why, but I just like this picture. It is just my Avery. I love how her little feet are dangling from the chair. She was kicking them, I am sure. That is what she always does. I love the angellic/mischeivious look on her little face. She may look sweet, and she totally is, but she is also a LOT of trouble!
She is also a bit of a ham, if you can't tell

Jan 18 - Getting ready to start a movie night. I wish these two were always so happy with each other. I think they will start liking each other more soon since Avery is getting bigger and can do more and play more... Maybe that will just mean more fighting. They are so sweet when they want to be though.
Jan 19 - Avery is the worst breakfast eater ever! I can rarely find anything to feed her in the mornings. She doesn't like baby food. She did yogurt for awhile, but now she doesn't really like it. Bananas were her favorite for a long time, but now she will rarely touch one. Darren made Cream of Wheat for breakfast one morning and Avery LOVED it! She had it everywhere, but she actually ate breakfast! Of course, the next time I made it, she barely touched it.

Looking good in her Cream of Wheat!
She is also getting pretty good at using her spoon
I love her Cream of Wheat beard!

Since Rylee got a new cheer dress for Christmas, Avery inheirited this one. She makes one cute cheerleader! She is a bit of a stinker at the games. She loves to cheer and gets really excited about when they shoot free throws and she can do "Whoosh". But if the people that sit next to us don't come, she thinks she can use that chair as her personal jungle gym. She also has a habit of chucking her toys and things and hitting the EXTREMELY ornery people who sit in front of us. It has been a bit of a long season!
She does look cute in her little cheer dress though and makes a great little cheerleader when she will sit still!
Jan 22 - Avery has become very attached to her blankie and her little soft baby doll she got for Christmas. She drags them around the house a lot. She will hold the blankie right up against her face and walk around with it. Or she will bring it to me and demand that I nurse her by signing Milk and saying "ma, ma, ma" over and over... She is going down pretty well at nights as long as she has her baby in one arm cuddled up by her face and is swaddled up in her blankie. I can't believe that she still wants to be swaddled but she does. I love it! She doesn't stay wrapped up for long, but that is how she likes to be put down. It is so sweet and makes me think she might still be a little bit of a baby still... just a little....

Here are a few of the many new things Avery is doing and learning. She is growing up way too fast and changing so much!
Avery is starting to communicate with us really well. If you ask her a question, she seems to really understand what you are saying and will nod "yes" or "no". I love her responses. They are always so cute and her face is so expressive! She is starting to really pick up signs and use them a lot. It seems like one of her favorites is drink. She is very animated when she does it and says "eee, eee" for drink. Her VERY favorite is milk, which she says to nurse. She says "ma, ma" and does the sign over and over. She sounds like those little seagulls on Nemo that say "mine, mine" but she says "ma, ma". It is a little funny. Some other signs she can do are: book, orange, candy (another BIG favorite and she says "d" over and over), baby, monkey, dog, duck, beautiful, cookie, cracker, please, shoe, star and sock. She also likes to shake her little finger at us for no, no, no.
Avery is starting to use some words really well. She doesn't talk a lot but is just starting to jabber a little and has some words she is really good at saying. One of her favorites is "ZAT" for anything she wants to show us (that) and she usually points and says "ZAT" over and over until we get what she is trying to show us. She YELLS "da" and runs to the door when Darren comes home from work. She can also say "bro-er" for Logan and "Ry" for Rylee. It sounds so cute when she says that. She says eye and points to her eye all the time or pokes someone else's and she LOVES belly buttons and says "be buh" anytime she sees anyone's showing. She also says "poop" a lot because she gets lots of laughs! She also says "buh" for book and "boo" for boot, her favorite shoes.
Avery gives the best kisses! She has to say "MUAH" sometimes even way before she gives the kiss. It makes me laugh! She LOVES giving kisses and blowing them. She is so sweet.
Avery has started to say prayers when we have prayers for dinner or scriptures. She folds her arms and bows her head really cute and even squeezes her eyes closed, although she is usually still peeking. I think it is adorable!
Avery is a little tease! Her personality is really starting to show! One of her new favorite things is to pretend she is sleeping. It is hilarious! I will go to get her out of her car seat and she will have her eyes closed and her little head tipped to the side like she is sleeping and then when I say something, she will open her eyes and laugh and laugh. We will also say "Go to sleep, Avery" and she will squeeze her eyes shut and pretend she is sleeping. She usually has a huge grin though and will peek out of her eyes to see our reaction. It is just funny!
Avery has some of the funniest facial expressions. She gets some of the biggest smiles and she also loves to say "CHEESE". She also does this funny suprised face with her mouth in a big O and she has just started to do a pouty face when she is mad at me that is hilarious! I shouldn't laugh - It is a pretty serious dirty look, but it is funny!
Avery LOVES clothes! She is always trying to get something on and dress herself or put things on in a funny way. Her favorite is shoes. She is always putting someone's shoes on. She loves her "boos" (her boots) and will always go and get them if we are going somewhere. One day, she spent FOREVER trying to get some of Rylee's high heel dressups on. She was SO determined but the poor girl couldn't get them to stay on. It was so funny to watch her though. She also LOVES purses and thinks anything with a strap is her purse. She will put it over her shoulder and try and get a jacket and shoes and then blow us all kisses "MUAH" and say "bye, bye" and wave and wave. She also likes to load lots of things into her purses and things always seem to be missing around here. It is so funny! I love it! She is growing up much too quickly to do all these things though and act like such a big girl.
Avery LOVES music and when it comes on, she can't help herself from moving to the music. Even if she is nursing and music comes on, she has to move and shake her little body. She loves to dance and does these funny little knee bends to the music that crack us all up! Her favorite thing in the car is to listen to the Brite Music CD "See Me Run". She loves it and claps and dances along the whole time. She even knows some of the words and sings them really loud like "Hop" and "la, la, la, la" , and she loves to make the animal sounds for the song about what the animals say.
Avery loves pictures. She is always pointing at the pictures on the wall. She usually says "da" for daddy, but sometimes she will say "bro-er" or "ry" or "mama" too. We also have a picture of the kids with Santa at the mall hanging and she loves it and says "oh, oh, oh" instead of "Ho, ho, ho". I couldn't get her to say it at Christmas time, but she has it down now and it is so funny! She gets so excited and loves to see herself in pictures too. She usually says "baby" for herself.
Avery cut another new tooth this last month. This one came through on Dec 31. It was her other bottom molar on her left side. I am hoping we are done cutting teeth for awhile because it seems to greatly disrupt the sleeping around our house!
Avery is starting to love babies! Her favorite is her little soft baby that Ry gave her for Christmas, which Rylee is very proud of, but she really loves any baby or anything that is like a baby doll. She likes to tote them around and she was even trying to change one of their diapers the other day and had them on the changing mat and was wrapping a diaper around it. It made me laugh! She also likes to feed them or put them in a stroller and push them around. She also likes to wrap them up in whatever she can find. I always think that is funny because Rylee did the same thing and I can never figure out where they learn it so young besides what is being done to them. She also loves blankies and is always cuddling up with one or holding it up against her cheek!
Avery had her first night away from mom and dad! My sister watched all our kids while Darren and I went out for our anniversary. She went from one little baby to 4 kids and I think she might have been a little overwhelmed. Especially since Avery and little E are the same age and it was like having twins! Avery did OK though and didn't have too much of a problem and actually survived without nursing for 24 hours! Of course, as soon as she saw me that is all she wanted to do and I think that is all she wanted to do for the next 2 days, but at least we know she can survive without it. I have been trying really hard to get her to stop, but she cries and follows me around with her blankie doing the sign for milk and saying "ma, ma, ma" over and over. She is mostly just nursing before bed and in the morning and if she wakes up in the night and sometimes at nap time, but she is getting better. If we are out and about she does better. She seems to think if I sit down on the couch, that is her signal to nurse!

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