Saturday, February 12, 2011


I haven't been able to keep up on my daily posting. Things have been too busy! Today was another really busy day but my kids said some really funny stuff that I wanted to remember. I love these guys! They make me laugh and smile every day!!!

This morning, our family was assigned to clean the church. While we were there cleaning, the World Wide Training broadcast was going on in the chapel. One of the Apostles was speaking and as Rylee walked by, she turned to Darren and said, "Who is that talking? Is it God?"

When I was telling someone else the story, Rylee was listening and then added at the end, "Yeah, but I peeked inside. It was just a Prophet."

We went to dinner with our friends, the Barkers, who were here from out of town. Logan ordered his own dinner, which he loves to do. He got the cheese pizza and cinnamon apples, which I wasn't really sure about, but he insisted. During dinner, the waiter came by and asked, "How's your cheese pizza buddy?" Logan said, "Good. The cinnamon apples...not so much"

Our friends also went to the Aggie game with us tonight. They were amazed at Logan's knowledge of the game and all his Aggie chants. He was making us all laugh! He was so excited to sit by his buddy, Drew and they were having so much fun and were the cutest little Aggie fans! Lately, Logan not only cheers at the games, but has started to do commentary during the game like he is one of the announcers. It is hilarious. At one point, he leaned over and said, "Timeout on the floor. What do you think about those Aggies, Drew?"

On our LONG walk back to the car, Rylee said to Darren, "Wow! There are so many stars I can't even tell which one is Jesus'"

And, just to include our little stinker Avery (she was not so nice at the game...), as we were walking home, she was looking tired. I said, "Are you sleepy?" and she immediately closed her eyes and pretended she was asleep, all the while with a HUGE smile on her face! She does that a lot, but it seems to always make me laugh! She also was pretty funny at the beginning of the game yelling for the Aggies. She is starting to learn the cheers and be really loud and say "A - ies" It is too cute!

Just a side note, last night we took our kids to see The Wizard of Oz at the high school by our house. It was cute, but poor Rylee was scared to death of the Wicked Witch. She did play the part REALLY well! She wanted to go home at intermission because she didn't want to see her again. At the end of the play, Rylee was really upset when the witch got Toto and was so worried that they were going to hurt Dorothy's dog! Then, right at the end of the play, she looked up at me and had HUGE tears in her eyes and said, "Oh no! How is Dorothy ever going to get home?" I think it was all a little too much for her! Logan saw a little girl from our ward in the play. He thought that was so neat! He said after he wanted to ask her what is was like and then said, "I think she will say it was terrifying. That was in front of a TON of people!" Then he said he was giving her first place out of everyone in the play for being the very best! I think he may have a new little crush! He talked about her all the way home.

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