Monday, February 28, 2011

New Years Day

We started off our 2011 by making Olibollens at my Uncle Ric's house, just like we have for the last 3 years. It is one of our very favorite family traditions! It is something my Great-Grandma used to do when my mom was young and my uncle and my mom decided to start it back up and we love it!!! It brings together a lot of extended family that we rarely see and they started it when my Grandpa was really sick with cancer, so it kind of is a big reminder to me of him. Olibollens, or Oil cakes are delicious! They are a dutch dessert and they are kind of like a cross between a scone and a doughnut. They are fried and then rolled in SUGAR and they are addicting! I seriously eat like 10 every year and then regret it big time later! My cousin, Rikki, was also here from California this year and it was so fun to see her and her cute family. She has 3 of the most adorable kids and my kids loved playing with them. Too bad this picture of all of us has ALL of our eyes closed...I think we were looking right into the sun.
Logan and Rylee hanging out with Grandpa Boman. The kids watched some movies and some football downstairs.
Avery made a new little buddy - My cousin's little boy, Ben. He is so stinkin' cute and LOVED Avery. It took her awhile to warm up to him though. They both were big fans of the popcorn.

Avery and Uncle Dean
It took Logan awhile to try an oil cake. I don't know why! He has eaten them before, but for some reason, he was kind of scared to try them. Once he did, he ate several! He loved them too! How could you not? They are covered in SUGAR!!!
Logan laughing at his Uncle's - He LOVES them so much and thinks they are hilarious!
Thumbs up from Logan - This is his favorite pose for the camera for some reason!
Our kiddos!

Rylee playing in the kitchen

My cousin's cute kiddos before they left for California - Bella, Maddie and Ben. I felt so bad that they had to get in the car and drive all the way home that day...especially after all the sugar they had!
Ben was a regular Casanova. He just wanted to love on Avery the whole day and gave her some kisses before they left. She wasn't having it though and kept pushing him away. It was so funny to watch them interact!
Cute little friends - at least for a minute...

Mom and Avery - We finally let Avery have a taste of an oil cake and she loved it! Once again, it being rolled in SUGAR makes it a little hard to resist, especially for our little sweet tooth, Avery!
For some reason, it took all my kids' awhile to try the oil cakes. Rylee just kept eating all the fruit, but wanted nothing to do with the sugar cakes but once she tried them, she LOVED them too!

I was walking upstairs and found this lovely display of all my Uncles' baby dolls and stuffed animals - I knew right away who the culprit was - Rylee has a habit of lining up and arranging everything! Then she got a chair for Avery to pose with them. Such a funny girl!
Then, she wanted a turn...
It was a fun day with the family and a great start to our 2011! Happy New Year!!! (only a couple months late...)

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