Saturday, July 3, 2010

Birthday and Baby Animal Days

April 8 - One of our very favorite spring traditions is going to Baby Animal Days each year. This year, it happened to fall on my birthday, so Darren took the day off work and we spent the day together as a family. It was great! I don't know that I would usually choose to spend my birthday with farm animals, but this ended up being quite fun! We went on a Thursday, so it was much less crowded than last year, but it was pretty chilly!
First we stopped by and saw some of the bigger animals - Here is Logan with a cow. He is so funny and loves to talk to all the animals in a funny, high-pitched voice. He is so sweet with them!
Rylee checking out the goats. She is usually so fearless, but she was a little wary of some of the animals.
Logan loved the baby pigs!

Avery and the baby pigs.
Next, we went to see some of the smaller baby animals that you could hold. The lines were kind of long, but not as bad as last year. First, we held the chicks. Logan was a little worried!

Rylee did great holding her chick!
What a cutie!
Next, was the Ducks. Logan loved his sweet duck!
He was talking to his duck like a little baby - So funny!
Cute boy!
Rylee had a harder time holding her duck.

We decided to let Avery try and hold one. I was pretty curious as to what she would do. Well....She was VERY interested!!! She almost strangled the poor thing!
Avery trying to grab the duck. She got a pretty good grip and was squeezing his poor neck and I had to pry her fingers off. I think she likes ducks!

Avery up close and personal with her little duck
Darren is such a good Daddy to go with us to events like these and always helps me out. He liked the ducks, too.
While we were waiting to see the bunnies, Avery got really silly! She was doing "SO big" over and over and also clapping a lot. It was so cute!

Avery clapping for herself.
I think the bunnies were Rylee's favorite. They are so soft and they seem so mellow. Every year we go to this, I come home feeling guilty that my kids don't have a pet and am ready to cave and buy them one. A bunny always seems to be what I think would be perfect for them, but I can't ever seem to follow through with it.

Girls and the bunny
Logan holding the bunny
Avery loved holding the bunny!
After meeting all the animals, we were off to do the pony rides. It is a big favorite thing and I was glad that the lines weren't too long and we had time to do it. The kids LOVED it and looked so adorable in their funny helmets.
Ry on her pony ride
Logan riding his pony
She loved the pony ride!
Logan spotted these stupid blow-up slides and begged us to go! We didn't' know we had to pay until we got there and he had his shoes off, so we let him go once, but it got pretty dramatic when he found out we couldn't do more.
This year they had one different exhibit at Baby Animal Days - baby Bears!!! They were from Bear World, near Yellowstone and were SO cute! We weren't able to touch or hold them, but the kids loved watching them play. They were SOOOO fun and stinkin' cute!
Logan and Avery with the Easter Bunny - Rylee refused to go anywhere near him!
My handsome boys! After baby animal days, we grabbed a quick lunch and then Darren surprised me by dropping me off for a massage. It was wonderful! While I was there, he also got me some beautiful flowers. I have a great hubby and kids! For dinner, we went to a restaurant donwtown and it was great! I was happy to have a night out! The best present for me is to not have to cook!
Avery was tired from our busy day and slept through most of dinner. She got a lot of sun - Look at those rosy cheeks!
A picture with all my kiddies and my birthday dessert. It was a good birthday and my last chance to enjoy a twenty-something birthday! I am so lucky to have these 3 cuties and my great hubby!


Kim McCann said...

Next year we'll have to time it better so we can do baby animal days together! Oh, and DON'T get a bunny!! We tried that and it was horrific!

Clark Family said...

You should get your kids a bunny. They'd love it. You could name it Babbs, or GiGi. I like GiGi.

Clark Family said...

P.S. We want to come next year!