Wednesday, July 7, 2010

April Showers???

April 6, 2010 - I know that April showers bring May flowers, but I don't think they were talking about SNOW showers!!! Look at all the snow on our patio after our April snow. Utah weather is so crazy - sometimes I forget that it could be 70 degrees one day and snow the next.
Rylee was so excited for more snow when she woke up and saw it that morning and was really excited to go out and play in it! I think that Logan was sick on this day, so he had to stay in. He would usually never miss a snow day. I went out with Rylee for awhile and we were having a lot of fun. It is so great to spend one-on-one time with her once in awhile. Then Avery woke up from her nap and I had to go in and take care of her. I watched Rylee out the window for quite awhile and she was having a great time out there all by herself. She was having so much fun and looked so cute all bundled up. She is my outdoor girl and she plays great by herself. She loved her snow day!
Rylee's favorite thing to do outside is eat the snow!!!
Love this smile!!!

She also LOVES making snow angels!
Her funny snow mustache!

I loved her cute rosy cheeks when she was done playing! I'm glad to have spring weather, but a little snow is fun once in awhile...sometimes it does seem to be a little long in the winter. Rylee had a great time out in the snow! My kids think the best part of playing in the snow is coming in for hot chocolate when they are done and that is what we did when Ry finished!

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