Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cruising Around

Yesterday, (July 10), Avery started yet another new trick. She started pulling herself up to the couch. She crawled over, and pulled herself right up. She did it so quick it makes me wonder if she has been doing it for awhile and I just didn't notice, but I am pretty certain that yesterday was the first time she did it all on her own. She is now EVERYWHERE!!! She can go from laying on her back, to flipping onto her tummy, pushing up to crawling (which is also a new trick in the last week or so. Before she could only get into crawl position if she was sitting up...), crawling over to the couch, pulling up to it and then cruising around on the furniture. She is also getting really brave and will let go for a second or 2 at a time. I think she could stand up if she wasn't always bouncing or dancing. Yesterday, she tried to make the jump from the couch to Darren's leg and had a pretty bad spill. I think we are in for some serious trouble!
She is SO fast at crawling and can get anywhere and especially likes to eat small things she finds on the ground, or rip and eat paper any chance she gets. She always seems to surprise me with how quick she can get across the room, or lately across a couple of rooms. She has started to use a more conventional method of crawling occasionally, but for the most part, she still does her funny crawl with one leg sticking straight out to the side and doing most of the pushing. It looks pretty funny!
Avery has also discovered another new trick - Clicking her tongue. She did it by accident about a week or 2 ago and it really surprised her. Ever since then, she would do it every once in awhile, and then it seems like she is trying to figure out how to repeat the feat, but can't. Today, she put it all together and spent most of the day clicking away for all of us and looking rather proud of herself and sticking out her cute little pointed tongue to show off. I can't believe how big she is getting and how much she is changing! She seems to be coming rather independent and a bit more daring, just like her big sister! I don't know if I am ready for this....

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