Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rylee's 3 Year Pictures

Holy crap! I was just looking through some things and realized I never posted these pictures of Rylee! These are the ones I had done when she turned 3, you know....4 months ago! Yikes! I think I didn't post them because I was going to do a whole post about her at 3, but since no one probably wants to read all that anyway, I'll just post the pics and add some more about Rylee later. I am SO far behind on blogging! I still have our new family pictures to post and haven't gotten around to it yet. We just got home from vacation, which I will probably get around to posting in about six months... I still haven't finished doing laundry or unpacking and my sister-in-law has it all blogged already! (Thanks a lot Kim, hahaha!!!) I have GOT to get more organized or stop sleeping or something! Anyway - Here are Ry's gorgeous pictures - I love this girl!!! And she LOVES to pose!
This one is my favorite - How sweet is she???

I had the ones above taken by the photographer I've been using for awhile and I loved them! But, my sister made Rylee this cute tutu and I wanted to get a couple pictures that showed it more, so I took her to one of Avery's many photo shoots at Target. These ones turned out super cute, too. She was in more of a picture taking mood that day and was loving posing for the photographer there!

This is her attitude face. This is what happens when aunts and uncles teach your kids things that they think are funny. Thank you Aunt Vanessa! It does capture Rylee quite well though.

Oh, how I love my Rylee! She can be difficult at times, but she is also the sweetest thing ever when she wants to be. If I ever pull a sad face, she will immediately give me a big hug and is always worried about hurting my feelings. Rylee is definitely our Princess, but can dig in the dirt with the best of them and really keeps us hopping. If there is a mess, Ry can find it and she is ALWAYS dirty and still has to wear a bib at every meal because I think she is the messiest eater on the planet! She has more personality than ANY of us knows what to do with and adds a lot to our family. Rylee loves to be helpful, even though it sometimes isn't as helpful as she wants to be. She loves "helping" taking care of Avery and one of her favorite jobs is helping in the kitchen. She is a great potato washer and I am trying to get better about letting her help more without worrying about her messes. She loves her baby dolls and it is so funny to watch her care for them. She will wrap them up, feed them bottles, put them down for naps and warn us all to be quiet. She is just so funny with them! Rylee loves her purses and sometimes I call her the bag lady because she is always hauling some kind of bag around the house stuffed with crap. She fills any kind of bag she can find with stuff, then carries it around for awhile, then decides to dump it out (never in the room it belongs in...), fills that bag up with new crap and takes it into another room to repeat the process. She is the biggest reason that my house is never clean! She also is my best cleaner, IF she feels like it (and that is a BIG if!!!)

One of my favorite things about Rylee is when you tuck her in at night and she can't stop talking to you! She talks all during the song I sing her, and keeps talking as I walk out the door. She will yell "I love you More" down the stairs several times before she finally gives up. I also love singing to her at night. She is very particular about it and lets me know if I do it wrong. I always sing "Whenever I hear the song of the bird..." and then "Goodnight sweetheart". Awhile ago, Rylee got irritated with the way I was doing the "badadadum"s between the lines of the song, so she decided she would sing them herself. She kept telling me I was doing it wrong and finally started doing it herself and now she sings it like that every night. It is so cute - I don't know how to type what it sounds like but it is sweet and her little tongue does it so funny!

She is quite the little social butterfly and always knows who people are and remembers everyone's names. For instance, the other day, we were going somewhere with a group from our ward, and I was naming a few of the kids' from nursery that would be there and she said, "Oh, Gabe. He wore a pink shirt to nursery on Sunday." It was hilarious! (I checked with his mom, and he did!) She notices a lot of things about people and sometimes, I think she must be much more grown up than she is. Ry has a great imagination and loves to play and is great at role-playing (as long as SHE gets to be the mom!) and loves to play Princesses or Little People or with her stuffed animals. She keeps us all in line, even if she is "SOooo bossy" as Logan says at least 5 times a day. She LOVES to talk and is SO good at it! She loves purses, the color PINK, dressups, ALL things Princess, Backyardigans, Elmo, Dora, reading, puppies, stuffed animals, the sandbox and swings, going anywhere, shopping, her little friends.... I'll have to come back and finish this later. I'm much too tired for this tonight.... We love our Rylee! I can't believe she is 3, although there are many days she seems much older than that! Shouldn't she be a little older before she starts asking to call her friends and telling me boys are cute? I think we may have to lock this one up when she turns 16....

1 comment:

Kim McCann said...

Brooke, when your kids are older and in school and your baby isn't much of a baby anymore, THEN you'll be able to accomplish something. Only then you won't be able to remember what it is you wanted to do. :) Dead serious on that one. You'll see. :)