Friday, July 9, 2010

Kicking off the Soccer Season

April 13, 2010 - This soccer season was a busy one at our house! It is the first time that I felt like I could call myself a true "soccer mom", since it was our first time having more than one child playing and had to be more than one place at once. It got a little crazy, but we survived. I know that many of you juggle more than 2 soccer schedules, but it was the first time at our house and we are still learning the ropes. Someday, I hope to grow into the soccer mom that can do 3 or 4 kids at a time, but we are still growing into that. Two was plenty! It was a really fun season and both the kids had a great time!
Rylee was REALLY excited for her game and wanted to get her PINK shin guards on plenty early. She ran around the house like this for quite awhile. (Don't mind my laundry in the background...)
Isn't she cute???
Logan looking tough! He had a REAL uniform this season for the first time, not just a t-shirt and he was pretty excited about how official he looked. He even had REAL soccer socks and played outside for the first time!The Mr Cool pose....and my laundry again. Darren must have taken these pictures because I always make sure that stuff doesn't show up....
Our cute soccer players ready to go! I love that they are holding hands.
Rylee all dressed and ready for soccer with more than just shin guards

The girls FREEZING at Logan's game. Playing outdoor this season was fun, but there were a lot of COLD games. We only got to stay at his first game for about 15 minutes, and then we had to run to Rylee's game clear across the valley, which we were late for. It was a little crazy!
Logan's favorite part of playing this year is playing with all his buddies from the ward. He loves it! I think he is a little too social sometimes and forgets to play soccer, but the important part is he had a lot of fun!
Doesn't he make one cute soccer player??? I didn't get very many pictures since I had to leave for Rylee's game, so they aren't great, but I had to post some from his FIRST game!
Not sure what he is doing here.... Logan LOVES to play soccer, and he is pretty good, until the game starts and then he gets a little crazy. He does funny stuff and likes to talk and to "announce" the game and cheer for his team. Sometimes he gets so excited he forgets to play soccer! He started improving a lot though and was doing great by the end of the season. He even came really close to scoring a few times, which was pretty big for his team since they didn't score too many goals. Darren coached his team and Logan loved having dad be his coach. Their team was all playing for the first team, so they struggled a little but they had a lot of fun!
Here is Rylee looking all ready for her game. Gotta love the hands on the hips!!!
Rylee and her best friend, Madi. They were so excited to play together! I'm not sure it was the best idea because they walked around holding hands most of the time instead of playing soccer, but they were sure cute. They even had twinner outfits, which wasn't even planned. Her mom and I shopped separately but bought the EXACT same shin guards and shorts. We shop alike! We don't shop together very often, but our kids end up with the same clothes all the time.

I am not sure if Rylee even kicked the ball in her first game, but she loved it! Her and Madi held hands a lot of the time and at one point they were standing in the middle of the field pulling silly faces at each other while everyone else ran past them. It was the funniest thing! They also liked to play in the goal like it was a little play house or something. I'm not too sure there was much soccer going on, but they had a lot of fun!
The best part of the game is the treat! These girls had so much fun, and this is only game ONE! More soccer pics to come....

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