Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lunch Date

On Saturday, we were all just hanging out and having kind of a lazy morning. Rylee went up to Darren and said, "Daddy, I need money to go to lunch with my friends at Cafe Rio." What??? I asked her who her friends were and she said "Ummm...Kio...and Dio..." and I think she listed a few others that also rhymed with -io. (That is what she does with her dolls, too. She will come up with one name, like "Jaja" and then rhyme all their other names. So funny!) It cracked us up! She left for a minute and came back still in her Pjs, but with socks and sandals and said she was ready to go, and when Darren tried to "pretend" to give her some money, she would have nothing to do with it and told him she needed REAL money! She is only 2 and we are already planning lunch dates! She also loves to pretend to talk on the phone, go shopping, carry a purse, flip her hair and bat her eyes, pull some attitude with hands on her hips, stomp and slam her door and she asked for CLOTHES for Christmas! If I didn't know better, I would think I have a teenager already!!! She seems to have outgrown everything but diapers and a binky...

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