Monday, January 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning has to be my favorite thing! I LOVE it and can hardly wait for the kids to wake up and see all their presents! This post is really long because each picture reminded me of different things about the day. I get a little sad looking at the pictures because it was so fun and it is going to be a whole year before we can have it again!
I woke up almost every hour all night, then at 6 am and 6:30 am and I kept hoping the kids would be up, but they were still asleep so I would try and sleep a little longer, too. At about 7:20, our phone rang. Darren's parent's were on their way and only about an hour away, so we figured we'd better get up and get breakfast going and let the kids start on their presents. I ran downstairs to get a few things set up and came up and Logan was SO excited! I decided to tease him and told him I didn't see any presents down there, and his face got so sad! I felt way too mean, so I quickly told him I was kidding and we headed downstairs to check out what Santa left.
I was sad these pictures didn't turn out very well because their faces were so excited! I was trying to do both pictures and video and it wasn't working too well. So much for multi-tasking!
Ry was really excited but still pretty sleepy. I love that her little Eeyore is tucked under her arm!
First were the stockings and we probably could have stopped there. The kids were so excited over every little thing! A lot of my pictures from the morning turned out kind of fuzzy. I don't know if it was the lighting or the kids moving around or the photographer...hehe (Darren took the pictures and assigned me to the video camera this year...Next year I want a tripod!) I LOVE Logan's excited face and hand over his mouth. He couldn't believe that Santa remembered to get him a big DJ car in his stocking. He got lots of other good stuff in his stocking, too. Here he is checking out the loot. One of my favorite things about the whole day was that Logan and Rylee both said Thank You to Santa all day for almost everything. It made me feel good that even though they were getting pretty spoiled, at least they remembered to say Thank You, even if Santa wasn't there.
Here is Rylee looking at her little kaleidoscope. She got one for one of her little friend's and was so happy Santa brought her one, too!
What a cute little baby and daddy! Isn't she so sweet? She is so happy when she wakes up! Christmas was her 3 month birthday. I love those sweet cheeks and big eyes! Rylee's favorite item in her stocking (Besides candy...) was her witch! It is the one from Snow White - She changes between the evil queen and the old witch from the movie. I think I have mentioned this before, but she LOVES the witch from Snow White! When I asked her about what "Princess Stuff" she wanted, she would start listing, "Little Mermaid, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, the witch..." Her list would be a little different sometimes, but would almost always include the witch. Luckily, Santa was able to find one!
Here is Avery just hanging out with her toys in her bouncer. She loves looking at her toys and is even able to grab them once in awhile. This is how she spent most of the morning. She is the littlest baby I have had at Christmas, so it was kind of hard to involve her too much. She was too little to even pretend to open presents, so Logan and Rylee took care of that for her.
Darren was super excited to find his favorite dipping sauce from Iggy's, some MLS trading cards and candy in his stocking. I got lots of yummy chocolate and some PB M&Ms - my favorite!
Rylee with her PINK stack of presents before we got to opening. For some reason, Logan didn't get a picture with his stack. Ry had Princess and Barbie wrapping paper and Logan had Transformers and Spiderman wrapping paper this year.
Avery and her stack of presents. She had Sesame Street wrapping paper.
A cute smile from Avery!She just sat back and enjoyed the chaos while the kids opened her gifts. She was such a good baby! I tried to get several pictures of her to prove she was there, since she just watched most of the time. Avery's first gift was this cute little giraffe! I think she likes it!
Logan looking very excited to start opening gifts! At our house, we take turns opening presents and I love it that way! Then the kids can see what each one gets so its not just about them and it stretches out the excitement and makes it last longer! I would stretch it out for days if I could.
Logan was pretty excited about his Monsters Vs Aliens movie.
Rylee opening her movie. She looks like she is giving the wrapping paper a dirty look. She was very meticulous in her opening and had to get every little piece of paper off - Funny girl! So cheesy! She loves her UP movie. She always says "Good Afternoon. My name is Russell." and cracks us all up!Rylee got a Princess Tiana from the Princess and the Frog movie and was pretty excited!This is what Rylee did with her presents all day. Organized and lined them up neatly on the couch. I love this girl! She also kept Logan's presents organized for him.
Yep....she is still just hanging out and watching everything going on and still happy! She is such a content baby!
Logan and his Hot Wheel cars.
WoW! Logan was VERY excited about these Star Wars action figures! Especially Darth Maul! Why is it my kids love the bad guys???
Grandma and Grandpa Webber got there after we had opened 4 or 5 gifts each, so we took a break. I needed to feed Avery because she was getting fussy and we decided to stop for breakfast and visit with them. I thought the kids would be a little upset with that plan, but they were fine to take a break. I love stretching out the present opening anyway! It makes a fun day! Here is Logan telling Grandpa all about his Star Wars toys!
Rylee had lots of fun with her Belle and Tiana - She liked to dress and redress them and have them talk to each other and stuff. We had a delicious breakfast of Breakfast Casserole and Sticky buns and juice and then went back to opening!
Logan was VERY excited about his boxing set! As soon as we mentioned that we were going to start opening presents again, he was in there ripping into this gift, even though it wasn't his turn. He has wanted this boxing set since he saw it last Christmas at Family Dollar. Anytime we drove by Family Dollar this last year, he would mention the boxing set and as soon as Christmas stuff was out, he started asking if they had the Boxing set at Family Dollar with the boxing gloves and punching bag. I have no idea how he remembered. Ready to box! He LOVES to box - I think it is from playing boxing on my parent's wii - he frequently takes off his shirt around the house so he can box. Silly kid! He is so excited to have official boxing gloves and I will be glad to have my hot pads back!
Grandma and Grandpa Webber gave Rylee PINK blocks. She was very excited and started working on a tower right away. She loves building things! She also got a cute apron and chef hat and purse. I don't think I got a picture of Logan with his present from Grandma and Grandpa, but he got a Ramone Cars thing that works on his GeoTrax. Avery got a cute little musical teaset that Rylee is loving playing with until Avery is big enough to use it. It will be great for the tea parties that I am sure they will have together someday soon.
Rylee looks like she LOVES her Princess Barbie!
Logan got a set of swords and shields and the kids were very excited to have a battle. I don't think Santa realized how many fighting type toys he brought this year... Logan likes to be a knight and uses a lot of kitchen utensils for swords and empty milk cartons for shields, but then they seem to leak out little bits of milk around the house, so this should be an improvement. Rylee loves being in on the action and isn't afraid to jump in and fight, too.
Logan with his new Hungry, Hungry Hippos game. He told me this was the best thing about preschool for the first few weeks, so I think Santa must have decided he would like one at home, too.
Some more Star Wars toys for Logan. He is obsessed with these things! I am not sure about them - I am finding little guns and stuff all over the house. He loves looking through the toy catalog they came with and picking out more figures he wants.
Avery and Grandma watching all the present opening. Rylee loves her new dressups! I love how all of her pictures are so posed and Logan will never even look at the camera! They are such different kids. A BLUE "Lightsaver" for Logan - just like a Jedi!
Rylee ripping off the paper of her new store! It is one of her new favorite things!

Yeah! Rylee and her Princesses! She was SO excited!!! She said it was just waht she wanted. She had picked this out of an ad a few weeks before Christmas and kept talking about it over and over. I'm so glad Santa came through! Logan and his Hot Wheels race track. I don't know if it was the one he had in mind, but he and Dad have had lots of fun with it.
And now the BIG moment...The Darth Maul DOUBLE light'saver'! I expected him to be a little more excited, but I think he was so sure he was getting it, it wasn't much of a surprise. He LOVES it though and we have constant lightsaber battles every day!

Rylee got a little People Princess Palace and she LOVED it! It was a big hit with her and she plays with it ALL the time with her new princesses!
Here is Avery with her presents. Just for my own journal, here is what Avery got from Santa for her 1st Christmas. Her cute little stuffed giraffe, some sassy toys for the car seat and a mirror, a cookie jar shape sorter, some clothes, Pinocchio movie, her 1st Cabbage Patch Doll and a little Leapfrog Musical table with lights and sounds and a couple cute little rattles in her stocking.
She was trying so hard to grab her giraffe! I feel bad that she can't quite get it yet, because she really wants to!
Rylee got everything she asked for and more! Here is waht Santa brough her. Some Princess books, a little Ariel doll, A Princess barbie, A Dora game for her Little Leaps, some Princess accessories for dressups, Tinkerbell jammies, some "cute clothes"(she asked Santa for clothes and she is only 2!), a PlayDoh set, the movie Up, a store, some Polly Pocket Princesses (Ariel, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, Tiana) and a Princess Little People Palace.
Here is Logan with His stuff. He got Hot Wheels cars, Cars puzzles, Monsters Vs Aliens movie, Transfomer jammies, clothes, Hungry, Hungry Hippos game, knight set with 2 swords and shields, 4 Star Wars Action figures (Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, and Darth Maul), Boxing set and extra set of boxing gloves, hot wheels stunt set, blue lightsaber and Double sided Darth Maul light saber.
Our cute little family in our PJs!

We took a little break from the presents and tried out some of the new toys. We spent the rest of the morning playing! Rylee LOVED her Princesses and I thought it was so funny how she lined up all the dresses. She dressed and undressed them all day long!
After trying out some of our new presents, we got back to the present opening fun and opened our gifts from each other. Here are the kids ready to give Daddy his presents. They picked out his presents online and did a great job! Logan chose a Real Salt Lake key chain and Rylee chose a tshirt that said "Yo Juego Futbol." Avery gave Darren some of his favorite treats - Reese's Big Cups!
Rylee got 2 new books from Avery - A Fancy Nancy one and Goldilicious. She also got a little Tinkerbell drawing thing from Logan that he chose for her and 2 dressup Princess dresses from Mom and Dad - A Snow White and a Sleeping Beauty one.
Logan got 2 books from Avery - A messy closet book and Dino-Soccer.
Rylee loved choosing a present for Logan and was so excited for him to open it. She got him 2 little Mini-Cars (Lightning McQueen and Chick Hicks monster truck cars) and a SuperWhy puzzle.

This is Logan opening the gift from Mom and Dad. They are a little fuzzy, but I love how excited he is!
An official Real Salt Lake jersey! He loved it and wore it most of the rest of the day.
Cute Avery got some clothes from mom and dad and a baby doll from Rylee and a little spinning fish toy from Logan.
Here is Rylee modeling the cute chef hat from Grandma and Grandpa Webber
Logan and his AWESOME new jersey! He was anxious to get Darren his Beckham jersey so they could play Galaxy vs Real in their jerseys.
Here is Darren with his stuff - He got a Real Salt Lake champions shirt and program from the MLS cup and a display case for the ball Cory got him that is signed by the whole Real Salt Lake team. He got it way back in August, and then they won the championship, so now it is even cooler! He also got the movie Cinderella Man and a big surprise in the garage...

Santa spoiled me! I got a skirt and shirt, the new Carrie Underwood Cd and an under the cabinet CD player for the kitchen. I am loving turning on some tunes while I clean or play with the kids.
Here is Darren finding his BIG gift - A basketball hoop! Now he just has to wait for the snow to melt so he can use it!
Sweet Avery taking a nap. We had such a chill day. We loved being able to stay home all day and relax and play with our toys all day long! We have never been able to do that before and it was great!
Rylee using her cash register in her new store. She had lots of fun shopping and using her "Predit Card"
The Christmas aftermath! I wish I would have taken a before picture. It was quite a mess!!!

Rylee playing with her Princesses and the palace. She had so much fun all day and was in heaven!
Avery loved this new mirror and discovering herself in it. I can't believe that she is now 3 months old!!!

Studying her reflection
Another shot of Rylee and her Princess stuff. She was cracking me up all day long!
So, this little mirror has a funny story. When we went down to Darren's parents for the family party, my phone somehow ended up in a snowbank, so I was without a phone for a week. I kept Darren's phone most of the time since he had a phone at the office I could get hold of him on and we don't have a home phone. I got a text from my sister meant for Darren saying something about bringing up a mirror that was for me. I called her so that she would know that I got the text and not Darren so that she didn't keep texting him more information. So, she plotted with him and got this mirror to throw me off. I opened it and was so confused because it didn't look like anything Darren would ever buy! He told me a little bit later that it was something Heather had picked for me and he wasn't sure about it but he didn't want her to feel bad. I still thought that was a little wierd because it didn't look like something she would pick either. I didn't think too much about it though. Later in the day, he gave me the REAL mirror!

These are the real mirrors I got! I am excited to hang them, but can't decide where. I was supposed to only get one, but we forgot to take the other one back, so now we get them both. Our house needs some decor so I was really excited about these! What a great hubby I have!

We spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging around and playing with toys and getting Christmas dinner ready. We asked the kids what they wanted to wear, and they wanted to stay in jammies, so we all did and it was fun to have a pajama day and just hang out together. It was such a great Christmas! We still had a fun night to come, but that will have to be another post!

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