Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a BUSY day for us with lots of traveling but we had a great time and were able to see most of our family that day. That was great for us because then we got to stay home in our PJs all day on Christmas Day! The kids were super excited for the day. Logan woke up and announced to all of us that is was "The Biggest night of the year! The night I get my Darth Maul double "lightsaver"! He has complete faith in Santa!
When Logan was about 18 months old, our neighbor in Vegas gave him one of these cheap little advent calendars with the chocolates in it. Logan loved it and even though he was so tiny, he would go straight to it every morning and say "chocolate". It was the cutest thing, and ever since these have become a tradition in our family to help count down the days to Christmas and the kids love getting their treat every morning. Rylee wasn't as patient, and tore into several of hers a little early.
Logan also made this cute Santa at preschool and gluing the cotton ball each morning became another of our little morning routines. He was even nice enough to let Rylee have turns with it. They were so excited when it was finished and they realized Santa was coming that night! We started our day pretty early and made the 2 hour drive to Darren's parent's house for brunch at 11 with the Webber clan. Here are some pictures of the kids all dressed up in their cute Christmas outfits.
Sweet Avery at 3 months old!

Our sweet and sassy Rylee - Love her with her hands on her hips!

Logan hates getting his pictures taken but he cooperates pretty well for Mom.
We had a good time hanging out with Darren's fam and having some brunch. Here are the kiddies with cousin Raegan. They had so much fun with her and we were so glad they were able to come from North Carolina.
Not the greatest picture of all 3 kids, but you gotta love Rylee's face!
Oh I love these 3! They had a great Christmas!
A family photo in front of the Christmas tree. If you think it is hard to get 3 kids looking at the camera, add 2 more adults and it is next to impossible, but this is a pretty good result!
Next, we were off to my family's for dinner and to exchange sibling gifts. Here is Avery playing pat-a-cake with my dad. We have discovered she LOVES that game and always smiles big and even laughs when you play with her!
That is such a big grin that it is almost scary! We call it her Grandpa Boman smile - If you have seen my dad grin for his grandkids, you will know why.
We always like to get pictures of the cute babies, but they don't seem to enjoy it as much as we do!
Here are all 4 cute grandkids!
We had a delicious Cordon Bleu dinner (or Corn Dog Blue as Logan calls it!) and then opened sibling gifts. This is the first year that we have drawn names in my family and it was kind of different but fun to get better gifts for the person you drew. It was hard to not shop for everyone though. Can you tell that my 2 nerdy brothers are pretty excited?
Another attempt at a family picture.
Brad got this soft blanket from Vanessa and I don't think he has taken it off since. He should probably have it made into a snuggie so he doesn't have to take it off ever. He loved it
We weren't going to see Dean and Laura and Heather and Jay on Christmas Day so they gave presents to the kids that night. Avery got this little set of balls from Ethan and the cute rattle from Dean and Laura. My kids gave Ethan a Ball Popper Choo-Choo train and some way cute shoes.
I love the look of excitement on Logan's face when he opened the Toy Story Legos from Dean and Laura. Dean is always a great shopper and gets things that my kids love! Logan also got a set of stuff for his Mr Potato Head from Ethan.
Rylee was also very excited by her gifts if you can't tell. She got a Mrs Potato Head set from Ethan (and Heather and Jay) and a Belle set from Laura and Dean!
We had Heather and Jay's name and gave them some towels for their new salon in their basement, a Skookie and some movie tickets. Kyle had us. We opened the box and it had a Martinelli's and some chocolates and a sock. Inside the sock was a piece of paper that said to look on my mom's laptop and that had a letter that told us we had a one night hotel stay and our kids would be taken care of. It said something about Relax and Enjoy! It was signed Kyle J Boman. So funny and official! It was a very thoughtful gift for a 10 year old! We were excited to be able to celebrate our anniversary!
We were hoping to be home by 6 or 7, but of course, everything took longer than planned and it was already past 7 by the time we were ready to leave and it was an hour drive home, so we had the kids open their PJs there, just in case they fell asleep on the way home. (They didn't...) I bought these pjs last year when I knew I was prego, but didn't know what I was having, so I got the baby ones in boy and girl, so Ethan actually had twinner pjs, too, but he didn't have them on. We will have to get a twinner picture of the babies sometime.
Logan couldn't stop talking about his Toy Story legos the whole way home so we told him he could put them together once we got home. He didn't waste any time and wouldn't do anything until he had it done, so we figured we might as well get it done.
Rylee was loving her Belle Princess set and dressed and redressed her over and over again.
Next, we frosted some sugar cookies we made the night before for Santa. Rylee especially loved adding sprinkles. Then we wrote a letter to Santa and put out the carrots for the reindeer and the kids each chose their favorite cookie for Santa and a glass of milk.
Avery hanging out while we frosted cookies. She is such a chiller! I have to take pictures of her so we remember she was there since she will just hang out.
I wanted one more PJ photo by the tree.... This is how Rylee wanted to pose.
One more PJ picture and this one actually turned out OK! Yeah! We read the Christmas story and then put the kids to bed. Next year, I hope we will have more time to focus on that and spend more time doing some things at home and not get home so late. It is hard to fit everything in! I was worried the kids wouldn't go to sleep because they were so excited but they were pretty tired (it was almsot 10 by then) and we told them if they got out of bed, the elves would give Santa the "figgy pudding" signal and wouldn't stop (its from the movie Prep and Landing) and they were terrified about that and went right to sleep! I, on the other hand, was MUCH too excited! I love Christmas morning!!!

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