Saturday, January 30, 2010

Christmas cont...

Here are the last of our Christmas pictures, if you can believe there are more! We had so much fun staying home all day Christmas day in our PJs and playing with all our new toys. I hope it is our new tradition!
Here are Daddy and Logan trying to figure out the Hot Wheels set. They had fun setting it up!
My family came for dinner around 4. I wanted my kids to get in their cute new clothes, but they didn't want to, so we all just stayed in PJs for dinner. Rylee was so excited to see Grandpa and have him shop in her store and he was a good sport to play along.
Grandpa and Avery - Almost asleep....
And she is out! Grandpa must have the magic touch!
Logan and Rylee eating their Christmas dinner. I love this picture - it is so them! I think it was the first time they sat down and actually ate all day because they were so busy playing and way too excited to eat. We made a ham for dinner that turned out pretty delicious. We bought one that was much too big, so we ended up eating it for days. Good thing it was so yummy!
Our family at dinner - It was the 5 of us, plus my parents, my sister Vanessa, my 3 youngest brothers and my grandmas. Kind of a tight squeeze, but so fun! We loved making Christmas dinner and having everyone over. I probably should have gotten a little more fancy with the decor, but I wanted it to be low stress so I could just relax and enjoy the day.
Another angle of the family dinner so I can be in a picture, too.

Here is Avery. She was there, too. She loved playing pat-a-cake with everyone and everyone wanted a turn to make her laugh and smile.
Avery loves Christmas and Pat-A-Cake!
Avery chilling with Uncle Brad
After dinner, it was time for yet ANOTHER round of present opening! We got my parents a removable hard drive and a church movie for my dad and a watch for my mom. Then the kids got to open some more gifts and were totally spoiled again! My Grandma Pauline got them each Pjs and a coat. My Grandma Mary gave them each a stocking full of fun stuff and an outfit. Logan and Rylee also each got an etch-a-sketch and Logan got a game and Rylee got a purse and Avery got a cute stuffed elephant.
Grandma and Grandpa Boman got Rylee this set of Princess high heels and a tiara. She is LOVING them and I am constantly hearing her little heels clacking around on our floor. She prefers to call them glass slippers. Rylee also got a Princess wand and a Yo Gabba, Gabba puzzle from my brothers. She has turned into a puzzle maniac since and can do it so fast!
Rylee was really excited about this Belle that came in her stocking from Great Grandma Mary.
Grandma and Grandpa got Avery a bumbo and she loved it!!! She looked so cute sitting it and she loves to hang out there and talk to me while I cook and do other things around the house. It is great! My brothers also got Avery a cute little porcupine taggie stuffed animal.
Logan was so excited about his new Transformers from Grandma and Grandpa! It took Darren just about all day the next day to transform them, and as soon as he finished, Logan wanted them transformed back! He thinks these are awesome and Daddy likes them, too. My brothers also got Logan a talking Zurg and he was excited about that, too.
Later that night, we "found" a present that Santa must have dropped or misplaced. (LONG story...) It was a Tinkerbell doll for Rylee and she LOVED it! She decided she was getting hot and took off her Pjs and that is why they are missing for the picture...
Rylee just reading a book. I love how much she loves books! She is constantly looking at a book somewhere - It is so cute!
My brothers also gave Logan an old snowboarding video game of theirs that you hook up to the TV. He was in heaven and wanted to play it all night after everyone left and has some pretty sweet snowboarding skills. Darren and I both had a good time trying it out, too! I also love the jersey Logan has on. He is SO funny about jerseys! He is always changing into the appropriate jersey for whatever sport he is playing and loves to have real games and practices up in our toy room. He loves for Darren to wear a jersey, too so they can "vs." each other, as Logan says. He got this one in his stocking from Santa and changed between it and his new Real jersey all day.
Me and my cute kiddies ready for bed! We had such a fun Christmas I had a hard time making them going to bed and having it all come to an end. I hate that we have to wait one more year to have Christmas again! It is so magical and I love watching the kids have so much fun and spoiling them a little! It is so fun to be with family and create our traditions and have fun together!
Here are Logan and Rylee the next day modeling the 3D glasses to watch the Bob 3D movie that came with Logan's Monsters Vs Aliens DVD. I thought they were hilarious! They didn't like them much though and they didn't last too long. The day after Christmas was another PJ day for us and we had a great time spending more time with our new toys!
Here is Rylee trying out her new little PlayDoh kitchen. She had lots of fun with it. It is always so fun to try new toys! It was great for the first week or so to have so many fun things to do and new things to try. We had a fabulous Christmas!!! Yeah for the Holidays!

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