Thursday, January 7, 2010

Random November stuff

Here are some random photos from everyday happenings and November highlights. I can't remember what I have already posted, so some of these may be repeats. There wasn't too much going on in November, or I have been slacking on my picture taking.
On November 1st we went down for a family dinner and found out Cory was engaged!!! Here are Cory and Katie and all the cousins, minus one or two. We are so excited for them!

Rylee loves to sneak into my pictures I take of Avery. She always puts her head right up next to Avery and says "Ahhh...sisters!"
I think she is telling Avery to smile - She is a little TOO helpful sometimes, but so far Avery has survived.
Logan wanted to be in a few, too. Love those eyes!

She loves her big brother!
Avery talking to Daddy. I think it is so sweet the way she talks to him and studies his face. She is so sweet and he is such a cute daddy!
Here is an evening of dress ups! Logan was running around being Dash from the Incredibles in his PJs, then he put on these swim goggles and decided to be a pilot. He has no lack of imagination!
Rylee didn't want to be left out so she put on this lion costume. And yes...we are working on getting rid of that silly binky!
I just wanted to have a picture of Avery in this post too. She gets left out of a lot of our fun and games, but she is always happy!

This is Rylee taking a nap - I love those eyelashes!

Another cousin photo with my cousin's kids from California and my sister's baby Ethan over Thanksgiving. It is impossible to get a good one of this many kids but they are sure cute! If we had Griffin, my other cousin's little boy, we would have all the great-grand kids on my mom's side. We might have to photo shop him in. There are Ben, Maddie, Rylee, Bella, Ethan, Avery and Logan.
This picture makes me laugh! Who can sleep like this???

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