Monday, January 11, 2010

Aggie Tradition

Anyone who knows our family knows that we are HUGE Aggie fans at our house! I don't think you can even have a conversation with Logan without the Aggies being mentioned, especially during basketball season. Since Logan and Rylee can both sing the Aggie Fight Song and do the Scotsman, we decided it was time to introduce little Avery to the tradition. We went to our first game of the season as a family (Darren and Logan had been to a few games already) on December 5th. We had to miss our ward Christmas party to make it to the game, but you have to have priorities, right?
Avery all bundled up on the bus ride to the Spectrum. We made her practice the Scotsman the whole way. Haha! Poor thing has no idea what she is in for!
Here is an attempt to get a picture of all 3 little Aggie fans - It wasn't too easy to do!

Such a cute little Aggie fan! For her 1st game, Avery did great! The game was against St Mary's and they are a really good team, so it was a big game for the Aggies and the place was crazy and SO loud! It was really a close game the whole time and so fun to watch and the fans were great, but really loud. If you have never been to a game in the Spectrum, you are missing out! The fans are very creative with all their chants and it is pretty entertaining and so loud! I kept Avery's little hat on for most of the game to help shield her ears. She made it through most of the game without being too unhappy and didn't seem too bothered by the noise. By the end of the game, she was pretty tired and hungry, but it was too loud and she wouldn't go to sleep or eat so she was a little bit fussy. She did better than I expected. I am glad that we didn't buy season tickets this year though - I think it would be too much work with all 3 for all those games!
She really was happy the whole game, until I took her picture - I think this was her sad face when the Aggies lost! They have not lost at home for 2 whole seasons so it was pretty sad! :( Especially since the refs were terrible and blew any chance the Aggies had in the game! Don't worry- The fans threw plenty of trash at them when the game was over!

One more attempt at a picture of them all together. Logan and Rylee were both pretty into the game and jumping up and down and yelling and doing the cheers. Logan was pretty crazy and kept giving lots of information about the game to the poor girl sitting next to us. Luckily, she seemed entertained! He does the funniest screams and gets SO into the game. Rylee mostly watched the cheerleaders. I do miss going to the games this season - It is such a fun family activity for us. But it is SO many games when you have season tickets and with a new baby, it would be too much. I'm sure we will make it to a few more games this season and will be season ticket holders again soon! Utah State Hey! Aggies all the Way!

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