Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Avery at 2 months

I am REALLY far behind, so here is an effort to catch up while my computer and camera cord are both cooperating! I started writing this post awhile ago, but I figured no one would want to read it without pictures. Here is the monthly update of Avery at 2 months, even though she is now 3 months! Hopefully that post will be coming soon!
At 2 months, Avery still has lots and lots of really dark hair and dark eyes, but we can't quite determine what color they are still. The best part of Avery at 2 months is all her happy smiles! Of course, she never does her best ones for the camera, but we love making her smile. She is such a happy girl and smiles all the time. She also loves to talk and jabber and makes the cutest little sounds. I love that she is finding her voice. She seems to be the most talkative first thing in the morning and then again at night when the other kids have gone to sleep and she has Darren and I to herself. She will go on and on with her funny squeals and babbling. It is so sweet! Her favorite thing is my tongue! She loves when I stick it out and watches it so intensely. She also thinks that raspberries are so funny and tries to do them just like Mommy and can blow some little spit bubbles. She also LOVES to stand in your lap when you talk to her and can push off really hard with her little legs! She is really strong!
I love her little booties! I will be so sad when she outgrows these!
Sweet little sleeper at 7 weeks old. Avery is a pretty good sleeper at night and usually only wakes up twice and goes right back down. She wakes up so happy in the morning. She also has a pretty good routine in the daytime now and will take great naps even with all the chaos going on. She sleeps great as long as she is wrapped up!
7 weeks - You can really see those chunky cheeks in this picture! She is quite the little chub!
This was also the first night that Avery was away from me for awhile and stayed with Daddy while I took Rylee to Princesses on Ice. She had her first bottle and did a pretty good job. It took awhile to get her to take it, but then she drank it all and was fine. That is a good thing for Mom since Rylee would NEVER take a bottle and I couldn't ever leave her!
Avery made her first trip to church at 7 weeks old. Here she is in her dress ready to go. She was great at church! I did discover that we have the worst mother's room in the church! It is so cold and a little gross - It is basically in a shower! Not the most pleasant way to feed a baby!

So happy!!! I love that cute smile!

Avery really likes outings. She likes to be out and about and around other people. She rarely makes a fuss when we go anywhere because she likes to see what is going on. She seems to really like the grocery store and all the lights. She is a shopper like her mommy! At home, she likes to be held facing out so she can see all the action. I can carry her around like that all day and she rarely will get upset. She will even fall asleep that way.
This is Avery in her Halloween costume. It was a few weeks before, but I didn't get any cute pictures of her awake, so I made her put it on again. I liked this one!
Funny girl in her Princess shirt at 8 weeks old
Love this shirt!

Another big milestone this month was Avery's blessing. It was great to have family come for her big day! She looked so beautiful in her dress.

Just a little 2 month photo shoot!

Avery is starting to recognize Mom and Dad and Logan and Rylee and gives big smiles when we come to pick her up. She loves everything her brother and sister do and watches them so closely when they talk to her. She has survived them so far - Rylee has picked her up once and tries quite frequently to shove binkies in her mouth! But Avery is still OK with her and loves it when they talk to her (or scream in her face!)
Avery LOVES her swing! She sits there and watches the lights and just stares at the little toys that dangle. She gets a hold of it once in awhile and then she just hangs on. I think it is funny! She is getting so interested in things and the poor thing will stare so hard but can't quite figure out how to get her arms to grab them. If she could get them with her eyes, she would have them in a second! They get so big while she watches her toys!

Avery also celebrated her 1st Thanksgiving and head her first illness! The day after her blessing, (Nov 23rd)she was up in the night with a bad cough and almost couldn't catch her breath. I decided to take her to the Dr the next day and she had croup! I was shocked when they put her on the scale at her appt - she weighed 12 lbs 9 oz!!!! Wow - she is growing really fast! It must have been a very mild case because she never ran a fever or anything else the Dr said would come along with it and rarely coughed during the day - Just at night. She was still just as happy as always, just had a bit of a nasty cough. We debated staying home from Thanksgiving, but we decided to just go down but keep Avery away from all the other kids, so she spent most of her first Thanksgiving (Nov 26) upstairs in the extra bedroom by herself :( She did have a cute little outfit and hat though. This is also her nine week old picture. (I'm trying to get one every week for her first year.)

I took Avery for her first trip to the Portrait studio this month. Last month, the photographer came to our house. If I could afford it, I would do that every month! I was less than thrilled with this trip, but a few of the pictures turned out ok.

Avery didn't go to her 2 month well check appointment until December 8th, so she was really about 2 1/2 months. She weighed 13 lbs 8 oz, which was the 93rd percentile! She is pretty chunky! I love her cute little rolls but I hate how fast she is growing up and how quickly she is outgrowing her clothes! I hate putting the cute tiny things away! She is now in 3-6 month clothes and almost out of her 1-2 diapers. She is the BEST little baby and we are really enjoying her!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

SO CUTE!!! I love her blessing pictures!