Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Welcome Home Avery

We were really excited to finally go home from the hospital on Monday (Sept 28). It was a LONG morning with lots of checkout procedures and dealing with my headache problem and everything and I was so ready to see my kids and couldn't wait for them to meet their new little sister! I think they were pretty excited, too.
We had a neighbor watch the kids while Darren picked me up at the hospital, so when we came home he dropped Avery and me off and then went and picked them up. Here is Avery waiting to meet her big brother and big sister. She has NO idea what she is in for!!!
She looks so peaceful, but it didn't last too long!
Rylee modeling her big sister shirt! She was SO excited to see Baby Avery!

Logan and Rylee checking out Baby Avery. They were so sweet with her and talked to her so cute and couldn't wait to hold her!

Such a cute big brother and sister!
Logan in his cute big brother shirt! I was so excited to find these shirts and so bummed they didn't get to wear them to the hospital!!! The first thing Logan said when he saw me was to ask if he could see my stitches. For some reason, he is pretty interested in them and wanted to see them over and over all day. Rylee called them my "slivers".

Logan got to hold Avery first - after using some "Germ Busters". That is what they call sanitizer at pre-school. Ever since he started preschool, he thinks the stuff is so cool!
So cute!!!
Rylee could hardly wait for her turn! She was so excited!!!

Here are a few attempts at pictures of all 3 kids! I thought 2 was hard....3 might be impossible!!

My cute kids!!! I LOVE these 3 and it was so fun to watch Logan and Rylee meet Avery!

Avery got pretty fussy and hungry pretty fast after the kids tried to hold her, so Darren took them to pick up my prescriptions and some lunch and when they came back, Avery was in a much better mood and the kids got to hold her again.
Sweet girls!
So happy together!!! Rylee thought it was so cool to hold Avery like this because she could do it by herself with no help.
A proud big brother!
Sister hugs!
Logan loves Avery! He is doing so great holding her by himself!

That night someone from the ward brought dinner, so I made them take a picture of all of us! This is our latest and greatest (and only) FAMILY photo! What a cute and special new addition Avery is!
Avery was pretty tired out after a day full of excitement. I love how sweet she looks when she sleeps and her cute hands up by her face.
Me and my cute kids!
Daddy and the kids
Sweet Avery
We also did a bath for Avery that night. Logan and Rylee were pretty interested in it and especially in her umbilical cord. They were great helpers - at least for a minute and then they got bored!
Avery getting scrubbed up!

Her favorite part is having her hair washed - She acts like she is at the spa or something. It is pretty funny. She loves it! The kids thought it was pretty funny.
Being home with 3 little ones has been quite an adjustment for me, but it is getting easier each and every day, especially as I am healing and feeling better. We have been doing a lot of TV watching and taking it easy, but hopefully we can get back to normal, or a new normal, someday! Logan and Rylee are doing better than I expected with the new one, especially Rylee. It is so great to have 2 special helpers all the time and they have been so great about getting diapers and all the other stuff for Avery. So far, we haven't had any incidents of them picking up the baby unattended or anything like that. I forgot how much I LOVE having a new baby and I love snuggling and holding her can hardly put her down to get much done, but I am enjoying her as much as I can!!! She is growing way too fast already! We are so happy to have her in our family!


Brooke :) said...

she is adorable! I love all of the pics with her and the kids. I'm so glad that you are doing well. We can't wait until we can meet Avery!

Kim said...

Love those little shirts! You have such a cute family! Avery is precious! Glad to hear all went well minus the migraine, I totally got one of those with our baby and I had the procedure done so glad to hear your migraine went away without the procedure. Welcome home, good luck with 3 kids, you are wonder mom, I can not imagine doing the new mom thing with 2 other kids

T.J. and Kim Adams

The Ollies said...

She is so cute! I need to get over there again soon. Where did you get the shirts--I love them! Talk to you soon...

Jess and Tom Francom said...

Beautiful kids..... love the shirts!