Thursday, October 22, 2009

Avery at two weeks

I'm not keeping up on this too well, but here are some photos of Avery between week 1 and week 2. Luckily, I am figuring out how to feed the baby and type at the same time so I can work on staying updated in my many hours of feeding the baby! We are loving little Avery and she is getting so big so fast!!!
Avery watching soccer with Daddy! He has always loved to relax at night holding the babies (when we have one at our house.) Here is Avery's introduction to what will be hours and hours of soccer/basketball/football/Iron chef watching!
Avery really enjoyed Conference weekend! We all just relaxed and chilled out and it was a great time to listen to our leaders give us instruction. Unfortunately, I was pretty sleep deprived and fell asleep a few times, but what I heard was great!
Rylee loves to "hold" Rylee like this because she thinks she is doing it all by herself. Aren't they cute sisters?
Why is it that babies like to have their heads twisted all the way sideways like this? I guess they were pretty squished up in the womb, but it sure doesn't look comfortable! Avery seems to like it though - This is the position she chooses all the time!
Big brother and Avery - Logan likes to hold her by himself too! She is one loved baby....sometimes a little too loved! But she is surviving! Logan usually gets about 1 inch from her face and says "Hi Sweet girl" over and OVER! She doesn't seem to mind though. She has started to look for him when he talks to her and it is really cute. When Rylee talks (or yells) at her, she seems to get a little nervous...
Just chilling!

Darren's attempt to capture a smile on camera!
A real smile! Ok...a gassy one!
Cousin Ethan and Aunt Heather and Grandma Boman all came to visit Avery at 11 days old (Tuesday). Avery and Ethan didn't get too much bonding time because they were both eating and sleeping the whole time and were not both awake really at the same time. Avery has LOTS of cousins on the Webber side, but so far Ethan is the only cousin she has had the chance to meet. This is also the day that Avery lost her umbilical cord. I was a little sad about that!

Avery with her big brother and sister! I love these kids even though some days are a little hard right now! Of course, this is the best photo of everyone and it came out all blurry...
Another try! I can never seem to get a good picture of everyone! This is what my kids do when I tell them to show me their smile - They point to their mouth and then their hands are in their face for the picture!
I don't know why but I love photos of my little burrito baby! She is just such a cute tiny bundle

I can't get this photo to turn the right way, but isn't she sweet?
Another one of my many photo shoots of Avery. I just can't get enough of taking pictures of her!
I have photos of all my kids with a funny little smile so I was excited when I finally got one of Avery too. I will have to post them all for a comparison...

I love baby hats!

An eyes open picture! She seems to sleep in most of the photos I get or have funny half open eyes.

More pictures of her just being cute!

Since her umbilical cord fell out on Tuesday, Avery got a real bath on Wednesday. She LOVED it! Doesn't she look so sweet?

All wrapped up in her towel after a nice bath

Look at all that hair!!! It is quite a job to get it all dry!
Here is Avery at her 2 week Dr appointment! They had to do her 2nd little heel prick test (is that the PKU I think???) and she got upset for a minute, but she calmed right down. The Dr was amazed at what a good baby she was and said she was about the most perfect baby he had seen! I was amazed at her growth - In just two weeks, she was up to 8 lb 10 oz (almost a whole pound!) and 21 1/4 inches long!
Another successful outing to the Dr! Avery is such an easy baby, but she doesn't really like being put in her car seat. We have been trying to stay home as much as possible with all the bugs going around and flu season, but we did take a couple other little outings this week as well. Avery came with us to go to the health district for our swine flu vaccination. Luckily, we were in and out in about 10 minutes. We also went to Logan's soccer game on Thursday. I was pretty nervous about that with so many little kids around but I had her in her car seat with the cover on and then in the stroller with that cover on so I think she was pretty well protected. I felt bad that I missed 3 of Logan's games and all 5 of his goals, so we ventured out and of course, he didn't score this time. We also stopped and got some dinner at Juniper on our way home, so Avery had her first dinner out. She was great and slept through the whole thing.
Two weeks went by really fast! Avery is starting to be awake more and is so sweet when she is awake. She is so calm and alert and just loves to study our faces. She just looks at you wide eyed and it is so cute! She is discovering her hands and feet and has her hands in her mouth a lot. She is also reacting to our voices and will look towards you when you talk to her. We are still working on getting some good sleep at night, but she is a great sleeper when she wants to sleep and can sleep through all the chaos and noise without any problem. She is getting strong and starting to hold her head up a little, but she still looks a bit like a bobble head when she tries.
Cute Avery is 2 weeks old!


Jenn said...

what an absolute doll she is! I love her hair! And the hats!
You're so good to take pictures- my younger sister (the 3rd child) has NO pictures of when she was an infant. Guess my mom was overwhelmed. Good for you!!! You rule.

Clark Family said...

She is so dang cute!