Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Avery smiled for the first time today! At least a REAL smile. She has had all the funny little gassy smiles that newborns have, of course, but today, I'm pretty sure they were real ones, although it is kind of hard to know. Since Avery was about 2 weeks old, she has had these sweet little half smiles while she stares at you. That is pretty early for a smile, but I could swear they were real. They weren't very big smiles and were maybe just a facial expression of hers, but she did them a lot while you talked to her and were so sweet. Today though it was unmistakable that she was smiling! It was such a big grin! Of course, she smiled for Daddy first! (Forget that I spend half my sleepless nights with her and a good portion of the day feeding her....) She smiled for him this morning and then again a few times tonight and I finally got one out of her late last night before bed! It is so cute! I can't wait to get a picture of it to share! Those sweet smiles make all the late nights and work well worth it!!!