Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sibling Pictures

When Vanessa took Avery's newborn pictures, she also took some pictures of the kids together.  She got some adorable shots!

However, to get those couple adorable shots, there were LOTS of other pictures...  I thought it might be a little funny to document some of them, just to show how HARD it is to photograph three small children! 

Some of these shots are really cute.  Some have things like nose picking.  And some are just funny...

2 cute little buddies.  I'm sure Avery will fit right in and be playing crazy with these 2 rugrats soon! 

This is how Rylee says CHEESE

 Trying to do kisses...  not head butts! 


 Positioning kids...
 Screaming baby... 
 "Look at the camera!!!"

 "Show me your smile"... 

Are we done yet??? 

Here are some of just Rylee.  She LOVES her new sister.  Sometimes a bit too much.  She also LOVES to play like she is the mommy and sometimes she gets a little too into it! 

 These are supposed to be kisses.  It looks like she might EAT her! 

And Mr Logan - He is so soft with the baby and the BEST big brother! 
 I love the way he looks at her! 


I wish we would have gotten a good one of this edited.  So sweet!  I'm so glad these guys have each other! 

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