Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Avery at 3 Weeks

Here are some photos of Avery between weeks 2 and 3! Still playing catch-up....
I LOVE these baby boots!!!
What a sweet face!
Taking a nap with Daddy - We love to sleep with her all cuddled up! It is the best thing when you have a new sweet baby. We went to cousin Ethan's blessing on Sunday. (Avery was 16 days old). I was pretty scared to have Avery out and about - especially when the guy next to us at church did this huge cough and looked like he was going to puke everywhere and then sniffled the whole time! We didn't go over to their house after because there were a lot of people in one place, but we did spend some time at my parent's and Avery got to meet her great-grandmas and Uncle Kyle for the first time. We were also able to see my Uncle Ric and Aunt Joan (I didn't get a picture) It was fun to see everyone and get out of the house for a bit and we were glad to be there for Ethan's big day.
I don't know why this photo won't turn, but isn't Avery cute in her little dress?
Avery with Great-Grandma Pauline
Avery with Great-Grandma Mary
Avery and Uncle Kyle - Everyone else in my family saw Avery at the hospital, but Kyle couldn't come in because he was under 14. He finally got to hold Avery when we visited. Doesn't she look happy to meet him?
What a cute uncle!
I love baby yawns!
Grandma and Grandpa Webber came up for a visit on Tuesday. They took us out to lunch, so Avery went on another little outing. We also got a picture of her with Grandma Pat since we somehow missed that at the hospital.
I love this cute baby girl!!!
My little brother got married on Thursday August 15th. (Avery was 20 days old) It was quite the day for us who hadn't even really been out of the house for 3 weeks, but it was a great day and we are so happy for Dean and Laura! Avery was an angel baby - She was so hungry but managed to make it through all the pictures at the temple without a meltdown! She took a binky and survived the pictures just fine. It was a beautiful day and Avery's first real time being outside and she loved it!
I had to document Avery's first visit to the temple!
Avery slept through the entire luncheon and then was ready for pictures at the reception. She looked adorable in the little dress that Laura picked for her. Rylee had a matching one in a different color - I will have to post more pictures of the wedding later. I didn't get a good one full length so I am hoping their photographer did. Of course she had one of her very first blowouts on her pretty dress! Avery was pretty good for the entire night and I didn't mind when she fussed a little because then I could go and hide her from all the people for a little bit. I'm a total germ-a-phobe I guess, but it was a little scary with swine flu and everything going around. Everyone loved her though and it was a really fun (and LONG) day for all of us!
Avery's other outings this week were to 2 of Logan's soccer games and a 1st trip to WalMart and we did not uncover her the entire time. Here are some other things about Avery at 3 weeks:
Avery has discovered using her arms and legs more and more and they are constantly going. I think it is so funny when little babies are just flailing around. She also likes to grab her hair and pull. It is a little funny, but also sad. She usually just grabs onto it, but when she pulls, it really upsets her and she cries, and then pulls harder and then cries harder. All of my kids have done this, but I just think it is a funny thing babies do. Avery follows us around with her eyes now. When you talk to her, she is so intense on your face and she has started to make some noises like she wants to talk. They are mostly grunts, which Logan calls "grints". He is always saying, "Mom, Avery said her first (or second, or third) word!" every time she makes noises. He is convinced she has said his name. So funny! Avery also loves to have her feet tickled - When she gets upset, I tickle the bottoms of her feet and it calms her down a lot of the time. She is holding her head up pretty well and getting really strong. When you hold her up on your shoulder, she will push off and try and look around. She doesn't like being held like that unless she is asleep - I think she likes to look around and see what is going on. She loves to be rocked and bounced and loves to fall asleep cradled in our arms. She is growing like crazy! I can't believe how big she is already! As for me, at three weeks, I started to finally feel a lot better and that my body was almost healed. No more soreness really. My clothes still don't fit and I am having some headaches, but they are now from lack of sleep! We still haven't got the sleeping at night figured out....


Jami said...

She is so adorable. I can't believe all of that dark hair. That is not fair.

Clark Family said...

After reading this, I'm feeling guilty that I haven't written anything for Ethan about him growing...Maybe I'll change my ways, they grow too fast!