Saturday, October 10, 2009

Avery at one week

Here are some photos of Avery's first week! (She is actually 2 weeks old now, but I am still catching up.) We are loving this sweet baby girl! I don't think that there is any baby as good and sweet as her. She never cries unless she is hungry and even then, it isn't much. She eats and sleeps great, too. She is pretty much perfect!
Avery hanging out with Dad. He had to wear a mask a lot of the time she was in the hospital because he wasn't feeling too good, so he was really happy when he could hold her without a mask on.
Avery has found her fingers! I thought this was so funny how she put them in like this. She has found her thumb a couple times, too and she loves her hands. She is always playing with her little hands and has them in her mouth all the time.
Ever since Avery was born, she has LOVED to eat! As soon as she wakes up, she is looking for food and rooting around with her little mouth open and sucking on her hands. It is the only time she gets upset - if she doesn't get food right away!
Avery hanging out with Daddy. She is becoming a lot more alert and is staying awake for a little bit longer between feedings. She just looks at you so sweet and studies your face. She is such a calm baby. I wish I could know what is going on in her brain. She also has the funniest face she pulls that I haven't caught on camera yet. We call it her "blue steel" with her little lips pursed together really tight. It is hilarious!
Doesn't she look like a little doll?

Avery is the cutest little sleeper and she can sleep through everything! She sleeps a lot and it is really hard to get her to wake up for her feedings (except at night and then she is fine at waking herself up!). She also really likes to have her hands right up by her face and will pull them out of her blankets or sleeves to do that.
Burrito baby! Avery loves to be all snuggled up. Even when she is unwrapped, her little legs are always all tucked up by her bum like a little Buddha. I think it is so cute.
Avery all dressed up and ready for her first outing - to the Dr office!
On our way to see the Dr for her one week check-up. He wanted to check her bilirubin levels and everything, but once he saw her, he said he didn't need to. She looked too good! She had lost 6 ounces at the hospital, but was back to her birth weight at this appointment, so everything looked great! It is always a big relief to hear that when you are breastfeeding because you are never sure if they are getting enough to eat. The Dr said she looked perfect and we agree!
After her Dr Appointment, both Logan and Rylee fell asleep in the car, so we decided to drive for awhile and stopped in to show Avery off at Darren's office. It was fun for everyone to see her and make a fuss over how cute she was and all that hair!
This is one beautiful girl!
I love her sweet little face! She will sleep anywhere and loves her swing and bouncer and her crib.

A little one week photo shoot - I loved how these turned out. I took them myself! I had her lying on the couch and noticed the light was really good, so I ended up taking off her clothes and taking lots of cute photos! Love this baby!!!

I love baby bums!!!

We are loving Avery and are so glad that she is part of our family! She is one loved little girl! She has so far survived 2 very loving siblings and seems to be very content with them. All their noise doesn't bother her at all and they are good helpers with her and love her a lot.
I have forgotten how great it is to have a brand new baby! I LOVE holding and snuggling her and can't seem to put her down to get much accomplished! I love the way she curls up in a tiny ball to sleep and always has her head tilted so far sideways to sleep. It looks so uncomfortable, but she must like it! I also forgot how many feedings come with a newborn (it is a fulltime job!) and their funny little milk covered tongues. It is so great to have a baby in our home again!
I am also feeling that I am on the road to recovery and am getting around much better and having a lot less pain. We have had great help from our ward - They brought in 3 dinners and my VT also took my kids for the day the other day so I could take a nap. (Of course, she called the next day to tell us they had swine flu at their house, so that made the favor seem not so great, but I think we escaped being infected...) My sister also came a couple of days to help with my kids and has been a great help, too. I think that we are starting to adjust to our new life - If only I could get used to no sleep!!!


Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! I'm glad to hear everyone is adjusting well.

Annie said...

Brooke she is so beautiful, I love all the finger sucking it is so cute. I can't wait to meet her! We will have to try to make it over there before the weather gets too bad and I get too fat! Good job once again you guys make adorable children.