Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cute Cousins!

My sister, Heather, came up for a visit the week after I came home from the hospital with her new baby, Ethan. We wanted to do lots of fun things, but I think that one or both of us was feeding a baby or dealing with a crying baby the whole time she was here! We did make a quick Kohl's run while Darren watched Avery and Logan and we took Rylee and Ethan. It was my first time really going out since the baby and I don't think I was really ready for it. We also managed a few pictures. Avery and Ethan - Avery is 11 days old and Ethan is about a month old. This is the first time these little cousins got a chance to meet. Avery and Ethan are about 3 1/2 weeks apart - I hope they will be the best of friends! It will be so fun to watch them grow up together! I can't believe how big little Ethan already is! He looks like a totally different baby since the last time I saw him. I love those chubby cheeks!
All 4 cousins! These pictures were nearly impossible to take! My sister thought this was the funniest thing ever to watch the kids try and get pictures. Just wait until she has more than 1 and then she will understand!
Rylee, Avery, Ethan and Logan - The kids are SO excited to finally have a cousin on the Boman side!

My mom also came for a quick visit the same day so here is a picture of her with both the new babies! A grandma's heaven! We should have gotten one with her and all 4 grandkids, but Logan was already gone to his soccer game when the babies were done eating. My mom was great to come up - She bathed my 2 big kids while Darren was at scouts and swept and mopped for me (I hate doing that!) Thanks Mom!!!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

These pictures are so cute!!