Thursday, October 8, 2009

September Stuff

Here is one last post of our September stuff. September was mostly spent getting ready for baby Avery, but there were a few other things that happened last month...
Here is our Labor Day picture. It is the only one I got! We spent the day like we spend most holidays - rushing from one family event to the next! We got up early that morning and headed to my family's house for some REALLY yummy peach crepes and then stopped to have our new van looked at in Salt Lake. It makes some really weird noises but I think we finally have it figured out. Then we went to Darren's parent's house for swimming and BBQ, another holiday tradition. The swimming didn't last too long. I only have one picture because I took this one, went in the house for a snack and came back out and Logan had puked in the pool (too many peach crepes and swallowing way too much water is a bad combo!) and then the wind was terrible and picked up one of the pool umbrellas and sent it over the fence! Then 3 of the little kids got stung by a bee or wasp because there was a HUGE nest on the playground! Kind of a crazy day, but fun to spend it with our families.
Rylee loves to put together her own little ensembles lately and is really good at dressing (or more often UNdressing!) herself. Logan and Dad were playing soccer and Rylee disappeared upstairs and came back down in her "soccer uniform". I thought she did a pretty good job finding appropriate soccer wear, at least with the socks and she matched. Then she disappeared again and came back with this...
This is the cheerleader outfit she put together. The top and bottom kind of match and it is a skirt, so I guess she did a pretty good job again. It is funny to me that she would even think of these things.

One day, I came upstairs and Logan and Rylee were sitting together reading in the toy room. They both had their shirts off because they had been boxing (they do this a lot...) and both had on one of Logan's shin guards. It looked so funny! Of course, by the time I got my camera, the shin guards were off and Logan was done with Rylee reading to him and off playing. (I'm sure she bossed him into sitting down and listening to her read.) Rylee is my bookworm! She loves to carry her books all over the house and reads them constantly! She doesn't really like to be read, too, but prefers to read to you or read to herself. She does a pretty good job remembering things from most of her books, or she will just make stuff up and it is usually hilarious! She also likes to read books like a teacher and hold the books up for us to see and ask us "What is that?" or "Which color is this?" It always makes me laugh!
Some more of Rylee's dress-up antics! We found this hand-me-down costume in the garage when we were cleaning through some boxes and Rylee couldn't wait to try on a Princess dress! I think it is the funniest costume - What a cute princess! Isn't it silly?
Here is a rare prego pic of me at 37 weeks! Full term and ready for a baby! I was hoping to have her soon after this, but it was 2 more weeks until Avery arrived.

Rylee got her first real hair cut! Her hair was looking quite scraggly and even though it was getting really long, it was really uneven and hard to do, so I asked my sister to even it out. She told me it might take a lot off, and it did! I couldn't believe how different it made her look - I almost cried that she lost so much hair but it looks so cute! She looks so grown up!
I should have taken some from different angles, but it is a really cute little bob and totally suits her.
Logan started another soccer session the week that I had Avery. (He started Sept 22) Darren is his coach again and this year they are the Lightning. Logan knows all the other team names and talks about them all the time. He has a team of all boys this year and they have lots of fun but are kind of hard to control. Logan's favorite thing is fall! Anytime anyone else falls down, he has to do some dramatic falling of his own, so he spends a lot of the game on the floor.
Logan taking a drink break
Cute Logan excited about his first game!
Go Lightning!

This is Rylee and her baby taking a pretend nap on the stairs. My kids like to pretend these stairs on bunk beds while they are playing. They are pretty creative. Lately, Rylee has been doing some thumb sucking like her big brother, too.

Logan and Rylee having a wrestling match! This was the day before I had Avery, so I think that I was just in the mood to take lots of pictures of them since I knew I wasn't going to see them for a few days. They love to wrestle, but Rylee usually wins because Logan won't do anything mean to his sister, and she doesn't seem to mind doing mean things to him!

They are so funny together and love each other so much...even when they fight! Lately, I have had to do a lot of refereeing because they seem to fight all the time, but they do play together really cute, too.
The day before I had Avery, Logan had preschool. Rylee loves these days and as soon as we drop Logan off, she will ask "what should WE do?" She loves having me to herself! So this day, we had a tea party! Rylee loves tea parties - It was sort of spur of the moment, so we did some improvising and it wasn't too fancy, but she loved it and thought it was hilarious that I talked in a British accent! She tried to as well and would say the funniest things. Like "How is your pasta?" and "I love your hat!" She was cracking me up! She thought it was so great to use "tea cups" and a pitcher for lunch! You can tell we don't get fancy at our house too often....
My princess with one of her silly faces! She has more personality than she knows what to do with.
Rylee's favorite part was our dessert! We had strawberries dipped in sugar and she thought it was the best thing ever! She couldn't wait to tell Daddy when he got home.
Since it was a PRINCESS tea party, we had to have some Princess attire, and I don't have a dress, so I settled for this hat. I love my Princess and had so much fun with my girl!
These are some pictures from the famous ward Zucchini fest! I can't even tell you how excited the kids have been for this activity. Grandma Webber took them since it was the day I had Avery. They had a great time! Here are their decorated zucchinis later that night when Darren was home to take some pictures.
My mom gave Logan this HUGE Zucchini out of her garden and he was so excited to take it for the contest!

While I was in the hospital, Darren took the kids to the USU Homecoming game. They went to the parade in the afternoon and the game that night. I was kind of bugged at first that he was leaving me one day after having the baby, but I am glad that he was able to go and do something fun with the kids because I think they needed it. Plus, this is the only game the Aggies have won so far, so I'm glad he got to witness a win!
Logan and Dad are the biggest Aggie fans! Darren took Logan to the game this last weekend and he told Darren on the way out, "Awww...the Aggies are never going to learn to play football!" At least he has that figured out so he doesn't keep getting disappointed over and over! And basketball season is coming up so maybe then he can see the Aggies win a few games.
Logan usually loves the games, but for some reason, he wasn't very into this one and wanted to go home most of the game. Here he is hiding under the bleachers. Darren had his hands full taking both kids by himself and sent me a text from the game telling me that I was missing out on one of Rylee's awesome messy diapers! What a good dad!

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