Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well, it is now official! I am 3/4 of the way done being pregnant! Only 9 more weeks to go! Nothing much has changed. I have gained about 15 pounds to date and am starting the dreaded 2 week appointments, so I guess I will be spending a lot more time at my Dr's office. The summer has finally gotten much hotter and the heat is getting a little uncomfortable with my huge belly. I have also picked up the pregnancy waddle much more than I remember with my other kids and was told that I am looking "much more pregnant" than with my last two. Gotta love that!
I am starting to get into that nesting phase and stress a little about being prepared for baby. The good news is that with baby #3, there isn't too much to buy so it hasn't been as hard to feel ready. We did get a bassinet the other day, so I think we are pretty close to being set, besides figuring out how to get a 3rd car seat in the car! There shouldn't be too much to worry about after having 2 babies, but I seem to find plenty of things to stress about! Mostly, I am pretty worried about going back to baby phase! Things have been pretty comfortable around here for the last year or so - Kids are sleeping through the night, we can leave the house without packing everything we own, and we are so close to having no more diapers. Getting up in the night, lots of messy diapers, breastfeeding and all of those things seem so long ago and leave me a little worried, not to mention fearing for the new baby's safety with my 2 "helpers" who will I'm sure spoil and scare our new addition! Also, baby #3 is still without a name! Just one more thing to worry about!
The baby is REALLY active lately and I am wondering if she is actually going to wait another 9 weeks! We have been to Harry Potter and Kenny Chesney in the last few weeks and with all the noise, the baby was going crazy the whole time! Let's hope she can wait a little longer!!! The countdown to baby has really begun...

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Not too much longer! And I'm sure your "helpers" will be great!!