Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rylee's 2 year photos

Rylee turned 2 at the end of March, but it took me until May to get her photos done, and now until July to post them! The reason it took so long to get them done is partially due to the fact that we were in the middle of moving right after her birthday and partially because the photo studio I like to go to is 2 hours away! The other reason it took me so long is I had to wait until all of Rylee's black eyes and bruises were gone, at least from her face ,and she always seems to be getting a bump or bruise! I was really happy when the pictures were finally done and LOVED how they turned out! She loves her picture taken - Can you tell??? Warning - There are LOTS, but I only chose my favorites..... There were just a LOT of them!
This one is my VERY favorite!!! You have to love that smile!

I love her cute crossed feet!

Its hard to believe my baby is 2!

Practicing 2 on her fingersShe was LOVING the PINK boa!!! She also LOVES to pose!This is her attitude pose (and FACE) that Aunt Vanessa taught her - Not sure that this is a good thing for her to learn....
Spinning in her pretty Princess dress
Our little Princess! By the time we got to this last outfit, Rylee was DONE! So, these are not as good as the ones before, but they were all we could do. This one would have actually been really cute if she wouldn't have put the flower right in front of her face!
Yep...she was THRILLED with these ones! What can you expect from a hungry two year old after almost an hour at nap time? (Our photographer was REALLY slow to set up each shot...) We were shoving in fruit snacks and candy in between poses, but she had had ENOUGH!!! Overall, I was really happy with how they turned out though! Now to get Logan's 4 year photos done...


Brooke :) said...

Very cute!! Where do you have their pics taken?

Jami said...

She is beautiful!!! I love all of her pictures. Especially the one of her crying that is so cute.

Clark Family said...

SO CUTE!!! She's getting SO BIG!!:)