Friday, July 10, 2009

Baby Update!

Since I am now in my FINAL tri-mester (yeah!) of pregnancy, I figured it is time for another little baby update. I am now 28 weeks!!! The time has gone by really fast and I don't know if I am really prepared to be a mother of 3....some days 2 seems pretty rough! I am excited to meet our new little one though and the kids are SO excited, especially Rylee. I think she will have so much fun picking out clothes for the baby and being my helper.
I have now gained about 10 pounds and survived the glucose test, which may very well be the worst part of pregnancy! I have MAJOR problems with needles, but I am getting better thanks to pregnancy and all the blood draws that go with it. After my appointment next week, I will be going every 2 weeks, so that means the end is near!
Our little girl is quite active and Darren doesn't even have to "feel" her move anymore. We can both just sit and watch my tummy dance all over the place. Her movements are not too subtle! I have also picked up the pregnancy "waddle" and feel much more pregnant than I did with my first 2! I have a lot more pressure and walking can be quite painful at times, but apparently that is normal for your third. The good news is she is so low that I have no pain in my ribs like I did with my first 2 and I am sleeping great!
We are narrowing down our list of names, and I think we are close to deciding, but are still not too sure. There are a lot of names I like, but nothing is really standing out as "THE name" like with Logan and Rylee. I thought about posting a poll, but I don't really want bad opinions of a name I like or we end up using. I keep meaning to take a prego picture, but I haven't. I think I am much bigger than my first 2 pregnancies, so I don't feel "cute" pregnant and don't want to document it, but I need to. I don't think I will be posting pics on the blog though.


Allison said...

I can't believe you are already 28 weeks, holy cow that went by fast. You better post a prego picture sister because I want to see what you look like pregnant, besides you've only gained 10 freaking pounds you should be ecstatic! I am sure you still are "cute" pregnant silly!

Meier Family said...

Darren your lil family is so cute! Can't believe you guys are about to have another one! So where is your practice? Hope all is well...keep in touch "proly"

Annie said...

I am so glad to hear that things are going so smooth! I vote for a prego pic on the blog, I think it is just a necessary evil for all your long distance friends.

Clark Family said...

Not too much longer!!:)