Sunday, July 5, 2009

April and May Catch-up

Here is another attempt to catch up on my blogging...I am now only about a month behind instead of 3, so I guess that I am making some progress, although I have a lot to catch up on still! It is a lot of random, everyday things that we do at our house, but they are the things that I want to remember, since my kids are just growing up way too fast!

A lot of our April was spent packing and moving and all of the fun stuff that goes with it, but we did manage to do a few fun things in between all the chaos!
Rylee got some fun dress-up stuff for her birthday and LOVED it! She loves to put different things on and especially the high heels and princess accessories!
Here is Rylee taking her new bike for a spin once we got rid of the snow! She loves to be outside and really likes her Pink Bike!Rylee loves her accessories, as I have mentioned numerous times. I can't get her to keep a hat on, but she loves to try them for a little bit. I thought she looked so cute in Logan's hat and she couldn't wait for me to take her picture! Her black eye is still somewhat visible - She got it on her birthday from walking into Aunt Heather's table. This girl is always covered with bumps and bruises!
This is Logan during Conference. I printed one of those Kid's Conference Packets and he was really into it...for about 15 minutes! At least he made it through a couple speakers!
Here is Rylee all messy eating Spaghetti at Red Robin. My mom and sisters and Logan and Kyle all went out to dinner while the other boys went to Priesthood and Rylee was SO messy by the time we were done. We were all laughing at her shoveling it into her mouth so fast - She LOVES her Spaghetti!!!Here is my brother and his cute FIANCE, Laura! They finally got engaged in May! They went on a trip to Hawaii and he popped the question on a dinner cruise! i don't know how you top that!!! We are REALLY excited for them and their wedding coming up in October!
My dad has an April birthday so we spent Conference Sunday there celebrating with the fam. Logan picked out this Jazz hat especially for Grandpa! My dad is such a great Grandpa and the kids LOVE him!!!
It finally warmed up enough for a park day in April, although it snowed not too long after! Rylee loves to swing...
and Logan is the BEST big brother to give her underdogs! Too cute!
Here is Rylee attempting to shove her full size baby into her barbie car....She was pretty determined to get it in there! Darren and I had some good laughs watching her try for quite awhile.
My birthday was also in April and I woke up to the yummy, gourmet breakfast! My favorite present for the day was that I didn't have to cook at all! My husband is so great!
We went to Cafe Rio for lunch and the kids gave me these awesome sunglasses that Logan picked out. He wanted to get me Transformers ones, but Darren convinced him these would be a little better. Darren also got me KENNY CHESNEY concert tickets! I am REALLY excited for the concert in a few more weeks! It has been a long wait.
Me and Logan
Me and Rylee - I loved spending my birthday with these guys!
My cute hubby making me a gourmet dinner - He made a delicious pasta and slaved in the kitchen all afternoon. He is so great to spoil me on my birthday!
Here is a random trip to Aggie Ice Cream. We went to playgroup that morning, but no one showed and the kids were so upset. Instead, we picked up Aunt Vanessa and made a trip to Aggie Ice Cream. That makes everything better!!!
On the way back from Aggie Ice Cream, we saw this HUGE helicopter land up on the USU campus. We got out to watch and one of the ROTC people told us that we could go look at them up close. The kids thought it was the COOLEST thing!
They were especially excited when they got to get IN the helicopter and try out the seatbelts. Too Cool!
Here is Rylee accessorizing with Mrs Potato Head glasses and my purse. She told us she was going to the Store and then she was going to "Salt Lake". She keeps us very entertained!

One day while I was packing, Darren took the kids to the Blue and White Aggie scrimmage. The kids LOVE going to the stadium and had a great time cheering for the Aggies!!!
One Saturday, we had to go to Ogden to pick out appliances for our house and while we were there, my family was going to dinner for my sister's birthday at Tepanyaki and invited us to come along. Who passes up dinner there? I was worried my kids wouldn't like it, but the LOVED it!!! I think I could eat those noodles all day! It was SO yummy!
Rylee especially loved it - She thought the mushrooms and veggies were so great and ate everything on her plate! What a funny girl!
One night when we were going to bed, Darren called me into Logan's room to see this. Logan was curled in a corner sleeping sitting up! It was the funniest thing! I didn't get a very good picture and then the flash woke him up! I have no idea how he was sleeping like that!
Here is one of our MANY moving days! We took a little picnic while we were working at the new house and ate on the floor since we still didn't have furniture! Moving was so crazy!!! I am so glad to have that over with!
Here is Logan and Daddy working on one of our many house projects - the mailbox! I always think it is so cute to see them working together on things! The mailbox turned out to be quite the project, as 3 of the mailboxes we bought were cracked and we kept having to return them a few times. Then, we needed a sledgehammer to get the post in and when we found one, it cracked the post. Needless to say, it is still cracked, but at least we are getting mail!
Last night sleeping at our apartment.....
and Rylee's last night in her crib!
Our first night in the new house and Rylee's first night in her BIG girl bed! The kids have adjusted really well to the new house and really like it! The do miss their friends and playing outside with all the neighborhood kids and going to the ward, but we are liking it more and more here.
Is there anything better than sleeping kids?
This is Logan and our good friend, Caroline as we were leaving our old apartment. Caroline was my visiting teacher and the music leader in Primary and Logan LOVED her! They are great buddies! She came through when we were cleaning with her vacuum and helped us a lot! Logan really misses her in Primary!
Leaving our apartment - It was a little sad for me.... Not too bad since I was SO excited for a house, but I did hate leaving behind good friends and neighbors and going to a new ward! Luckily, we aren't too far away.
My sister and her husband came to see our new house, and my sister did Rylee's hair and gave her her 1st braids! They were really cute! Now I need to learn how to do that...
I went in to check on Rylee one night and found this. She had wrapped her Eeyore all snug in her blankie and was cuddling him. So sweet!
Aren't these cute kids? We met our good friends Jon & Annie in Layton one night for dinner. They were some of our best friends all through Dental School and live in Boise now but were in town for a wedding and we were SO happy to see them! Here are Rylee, Logan and their little girl, Shelby.
And here is Rylee, their baby Libby, Logan and Shelby. We had so much fun chatting, I think we could have stayed all night! Can't wait to see them again!!! Hopefully, it doesn't take us another year to get together!
Logan with a PB&J sandwich mustache! This kid LOVES his peanut butter and jelly, but somehow always ends up with it all over his face. It makes me laugh everytime!
Darren has a new toy! He got his new grill put together and is LOVING it and so am I! We are grilling lots and it is great! Darren makes really yummy food and it is way less mess in the kitchen! He is getting pretty good and comes up with some great stuff. My favorite recipe he has made was some grilled pineapple - SO YUMMY!
We set this box from our dishwasher up in the kids' playroom and they love their little playhouse!!! They have so much fun in there and loved coloring and decorating it with crayons! It is some great cheap entertainment!
Here is Rylee pretending she is Lola, my sister's dog. After we watched Bolt one night, Logan and Rylee both started wearing shoes on their hands and feet and pretending they were dogs everywhere we went. Silly kids!
Here is Rylee accessorizing with Mrs Potato Head's stuff again - I don't know but I think it is so funny!!! She even found the earrings and purse this time. I love being silly and playing with them and seeing all the funny stuff they come up with!
This is Logan with his Potato Head creation - an alien! He was pretty proud of his work!
Our first outing to the Willow Park Zoo for the spring. We love going there and is always a fun little outing for the kiddies! The kids know their way around pretty good by now and just go from animal to animal, but their favorite is always feeding the ducks and watching the funny monkeys.

One night Darren went to play soccer at a park, and I thought this was just cute of Rylee watching him. The kids love any excuse to be outside!

One of our other house projects was planting some bucket tomatoes since we are not going to get around to a whole garden this summer. Logan got really into gardening with Dad and it was so cute watching them pot the plants. The kids have loved watching our tomatoes grow and we are getting pretty close to having some turn red. They are really excited to be able to pick them!
So proud of their tomatoes and their gardening skills!
A LONG time ago, my mom got Darren this Play-Doh dentist set for Christmas as kind of a gag present. Logan got it out the other day and had a great time working with it and making teeth like Daddy while Rylee was napping.
He was so proud to show off his work! Who knows? Maybe we have another dentist in the making!!!Rylee put together this "tea party" in the toy room one day. She loaded ALL of her play food into this basket and brought it out for everyone. Then she set up her baby and her care bear around it and pulled up a little stroller for herself to sit in and made Dad and Logan join in on the bean bag. (I think Logan was in the process of getting dressed....) I love thier little imaginations!


Clark Family said...

What a fun update!

Brooke :) said...

Your kids are getting so big. It's so fun to see all the pics.

Brooke :)