Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Red, Ripe Tomatoes!

Some exciting news at our house.... Our 3 buckets of tomatoes on our patio have finally produced some fruit!!! Last night, Darren picked the very first one and then this morning, Logan was able to pick one more. (I am a bad blogger for not getting a picture before we ate them!) Rylee was a little sad she didn't get to pick it, so she has dibs on the next one. The kids have been SO excited to watch the tomatoes grow and helping with them all summer, so it was a BIG deal to finally have a red one to pick! And it was a big deal that we didn't kill them because I have not had much success with plants and such. When Darren and I were first married, we decided to try plants and a few pets before we took on having kids, but they ALL ended up dead pretty quickly! I have since decided to leave plants to Darren and he is much better at it. We have done OK with our 2 kids so far, despite the lack of success with plants and animals.... The tomatoes were delicious in our salad at dinner tonight! I hope we have LOTS more tomatoes to come!!! Next year, maybe we will actually get to have a full garden...and GRASS!!! Wouldn't that be nice?

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

I'm horrible with plants, but I have managed to keep Lola alive thus far!!