Sunday, July 5, 2009

4 Years Ago...

This post is about a week late, but it is better than a month or two late like most of my posts!

Last week, Logan rushed into our bedroom VERY early in the morning and woke us up by announcing "Mom, Dad! It is my birthday! The BIG day!!!" It reminded me of 4 years earlier when I was awakened in the middle of the night because I thought I had wet the bed, only to find out that my water had broke! After a phone call to the hospital, we were headed to the hospital in the middle of the night 6 weeks before my due date! It was a scary few days, but a few days after I was admitted to the hospital, they decided to start me, and a few hours later, I was rushed to the operating room for an emergency C-Section. At 2:47 pm on June 27, Logan Scott Webber was born, weighing in at a whopping 4 lbs 15 oz! The next few weeks were some of the happiest and hardest of my life as we waited for Logan to come home from the hospital and battled all the ups and downs of the NICU. Looking at him now, you would never guess he was a preemie! 4 years ago, our lives were completely and forever changed as we became parents and welcomed Logan into our home! I can't believe that the time has gone by so quickly and wonder what we ever did without him! Here is a look back at my baby boy growing up....
Logan has always been such a sweet and happy little boy! He is quite mellow and was the best baby ever, which is probably why we had another baby so quickly! All the nurses at the NICU loved him and we were so happy when he finally came home with us.
1st real smiles

Our little monkey on his 1st HalloweenSweet baby boy!
1st ChristmasMommy and Logan1st Cereal1st Swim1st Birthday partyOne year old!!!18 months
2 years Old
Logan's 2nd Backyardigans BirthdayLogan's 3rd Buzz Birthday
So handsome at 3!Growing up too fast!!!
Now....What happened to my baby boy???As I look back on the last year, Logan has grown up so much! He has played on 2 different soccer teams, taken 2 sessions of swimming lessons, started Primary, is potty trained and is starting to read! I also have to start shopping for him in the Boys section instead of the toddler section and in just a few months, he will be off to preschool...if I can let him go!!! It seems like he is just growing up and moving on too quickly!!! He still loves to cuddle and suck his thumb and that is about all I have left of my baby! Logan is such a good boy and the best big brother and I am so grateful that he is part of our family, even if he is growing up too quickly!!! We love our 4 YEAR OLD! Happy birthday Logan!
More on our birthday celebrations still to come....


Clark Family said...

SO CUTE!! He's just too adorable! And I agree, he is growing too fast!

Karmann said...

Wow!!!! He looks so grown up in the last picture!!! Hard to believe it!!! He is such a cutie!!!

Allison said...

I love all of the pics you took to mark all of his "firsts". What a cute boy he is, and so smart! I hope he had a fun birthday!